ID: Q99757
2.00 2.50 2.50a | 2.50 2.50a
kbprg kbdocerr
The information in this article applies to:
Page L3-179 of the version 2.5 "Language Reference" manual and page C3-123 of the version 2.0 "Commands & Functions" manual incorrectly state that (ARRAY1,'*A?.DBF') will return all database files with A as the second-to-last letter of the filename. This argument will instead return all files with a .DBF extension because all characters following the asterisk (*) are ignored. Therefore, "A?" is not recognized as a search parameter. This is an operating system limitation.
An alternative method of locating a file with a specific character in a specific position would be:
NOTE: This method will work only if you know the number of characters
in the filename.
Additional reference words: FoxWin FoxDos 2.00 2.50 2.50a KBCategory: kbprg kbdocerr KBSubcategory: FxprgGeneral
Keywords : FxprgGeneral
Version : 2.00 2.50 2.50a | 2.50 2.50a
Last Reviewed: April 30, 1996