PATCH: Fortran PowerStation Graphics Apps on Windows 95

ID: Q131898

The information in this article applies to:


Microsoft FORTRAN PowerStation for MS-DOS and Windows is designed to work optimally with Microsoft Windows version 3.1. Under Windows 95, there are problems with graphics programs. A simple workaround is described in this article.


Problem Corrected: Graphics Programs Fail

Graphics programs compiled with FORTRAN PowerStation fail when run. Instead of the usual graphics output, you see a runtime error:

   run-time error F6996
   - DOS graphics not supported under Windows NT

The cause of this problem is that Windows 95 is running the graphics program as a Win32-based application, instead of as a DOS-extended program. Graphics are not supported from a console application, so the program fails.

The workaround is to obtain the FPSFIX95.EXE patch. It marks the executable file so that Windows 95 treats it as a DOS-extended program, not a Win32- based application.


The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Software Library:

 ~ FPSFIX95.EXE (size: 77720 bytes) 

For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q119591
   TITLE     : How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from
               Online Services

How to Install the Fix

First, make sure you are using the maintenance release of Microsoft FORTRAN PowerStation.

To see if you are using version 1.0a, run LINK.EXE from the bin directory. If the linker version is 2.8, you have FORTRAN Powerstation version 1.0. If the linker version is 1.0F, you have FORTRAN Powerstation version 1.0a. If you do not have version 1.0a, please contact Microsoft Product Support Services for your area at the number listed in your documentation. If you live in the United States or Canada, this number is (425) 635-7015.

Run the SETUP.BAT included in the patch. It installs FPSFIX so that all programs compiled are automatically updated. If you have any graphics programs that are already compiled, you can run FPSFIX yourself with the command:

   fpsfix <exename>.exe

Here <exename> is the name of your executable file. Executables built with this fix in place can still be used on MS-DOS and Windows version 3.1 systems.

Additional query words: kbfile KBGRAPHICS

Keywords          : kbpatch GraphicsIss 
Version           : 1.00 1.00a
Platform          : MS-DOS

Last Reviewed: December 9, 1998