FIX: ScriptControl Reports Invalid Language for VBScript in MFC

ID: Q184977

The information in this article applies to:


When hosting the ScriptControl object in a MFC application, you may receive the following error:

The operation could not be completed because the script engine has not been initialized to a valid language.
This occurs even though you previously set the language to VBScript using the SetLanguage method. This error does not occur if you specify JScript or JavaScript as the language for the ScriptControl Object.


When hosted as a control (and not just as a simple automation object), the ScriptControl object fails to initialize itself properly if the specified language is VBScript.


Here are two workarounds:

Below is a piece of sample code that uses Visual C++ 5.0 COM support to easily CoCreateInstance the ScriptControl and activate it.

Sample Code

// Import Type Info from Script OCX - point path to the
// location of the Script Control on your development computer.
#import "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Script Control\msscript.ocx"

void CScrptctrlView::OnInitialUpdate()

   OleInitialize(NULL); // Only if you haven't done this already
                        // or called AfxOleInit.
   using namespace MSScriptControl;
   try  // Make sure exception handling is turned on.
      _bstr_t bstrLanguage(L"VBScript");
      _bstr_t bstrCode(L"MsgBox \"Hello World\"");

      // Create the Script Control, initialize Language, and
      // add code for processing.
      IScriptControlPtr spScriptCtl(__uuidof(ScriptControl));
   catch(_com_error e)
      TRACE(_T("Error (%08x) in %s: %s\n"), e.Error(),
                           e.Source(), e.Description());


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. This bug was corrected in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Create a new MFC SDI application with the default AppWizard settings, including support for ActiveX controls.

  2. Insert the ScriptControl by selecting "ScriptControl Object" from the "Registered ActiveX Controls" folder under the Project\Add to Project\Components and Controls menu item. Accept all defaults on the dialogs that follow.

  3. In the OnInitialUpdate method of the view, insert the following code:
    // Import Type Info from Script OCX - point path to the
    // location of the Script Control on your development computer.
    #import "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Script Control\msscript.ocx"
    void CScrptctrlView::OnInitialUpdate()
      OleInitialize(NULL); // Only if you haven't done this already
                           // or called AfxOleInit.
      using namespace MSScriptControl;
      try  // Make sure exception handling is turned on.
         _bstr_t bstrLanguage(L"VBScript");
         _bstr_t bstrCode(L"MsgBox \"Hello World\"");
         // Create the Script Control, initialize Language, and
         // add code for processing.
         IScriptControlPtr spScriptCtl(__uuidof(ScriptControl));
      catch(_com_error e)
         TRACE(_T("Error (%08x) in %s: %s\n"), e.Error(),
                              e.Source(), e.Description());

  4. Add a #include for the new script control class file, Scriptcontrol.h, to the view and #define ID_SCRIPT_CONTROL in your Resource.h. Build and run the application.


For additional information, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q184904 FILE: MSSCPCTL.EXE Script Control Header File MSSCPCTL.H
For additional information, please see the following World Wide Web URL:

Additional query words: ScriptControl Script Control kbScript

Keywords          : kbIE500fix 
Version           : WINDOWS:3.0; winnt:5.0
Platform          : WINDOWS winnt 
Issue type        : kbbug 

Last Reviewed: May 27, 1999