ID: Q107401
2.50 2.50a 2.50b WINDOWS kbinterop kbdocerr
The information in this article applies to:
The "Language Reference" manual and the Help file incorrectly state that the asynchronous user-defined function (UDF) option of the DDEExecute() command is passed five parameters. In fact, this option requires six parameters.
The syntax of the DDEEXecute() command is:
DDEExecute(<expN>, <expC1>[, <expC2>])
The third parameter of this command is an optional asynchronous UDF that
permits asynchronous command execution requests. It returns either a
transaction number or, if there is an error, it returns -1.
The "Language Reference" (page L3-364) and the Help file state that:
If <expC3> is omitted, a client waits for the period specified
with DDESetOption( ). If you specify the name of a UDF with
<expC3>, client program execution continues immediately after
the command execution request is made.
When the server application finishes executing the command,
the UDF specified with <expC3> is executed. The UDF is
passed five parameters... .
NOTE: The syntax in the "Language Reference" and Help file incorrectly
adds an additional <expCn>, which is why the text refers to "<expC3>."
The syntax shown in this article is correct; wherever "<expC3>" is
mentioned in the manual and Help file, substitute "<expC2>."
However, the asynchronous UDF specified in the optional expression <expC2> is actually passed six parameters in this order:
Channel Number
Transaction Number
The following code example demonstrates the problem with passing five
parameters to the asynchronous UDF. The code assumes that WINWORD.EXE and
the file, GRAPHICS.DOC, are located in the directory C:\WORD20C.
NOTE: The second parameter of the DDEExecute() function, '[FileOpen "graphics.doc"]', requires single quotation marks for the outer delimiter and double quotation marks for the inner delimiter.
RUN/N c:\word20c\WINWORD.EXE
IF channel>=0
=DDEExecute(channel,'[FileOpen "c:\word20c\GRAPHICS.DOC"]',;
WAIT WINDOW "Calling asynchronous UDF"
PROCEDURE asyncUDF && asynchronous transaction UDF
PARAMETERS mChannel, mAction, mItem, mData, mTransnum
An error message, "Wrong number of parameters," will occur on the
PARAMETERS statement in the asynchronous UDF. When the error occurs, choose
the Cancel button in the error message box. To correct this error, add a
sixth parameter to the PARAMETERS statement above. For example,
PARAMETERS mChannel, mAction, mItem, mData, mFormat, mTransnum
Additional reference words: FoxWin 2.50 2.50a 2.50b DDE DDEExecute
asynchronous docerr errmsg err msg dynamic data exchange
KBCategory: kbinterop kbdocerr
KBSubcategory: FxinteropDde
Keywords : kbcode kberrmsg FxinteropDde
Version : 2.50 2.50a 2.50b
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998