ACC1x: How to Create a Dynamic Crosstab ReportID: Q103262
Using Microsoft Access version 1.x, you may want to create dynamic reports
based on parameter crosstab queries, or have reports to match a dynaset
returned by such a query. Dynamic reports allow your customized reports
to show only the most recently modified data and eliminate the need for
fixed column headings and empty columns.
The example below uses starting and ending dates entered on a form as
the parameters in a crosstab query. When a button on the form is
chosen, Access Basic functions run the crosstab query, which creates a
dynaset whose contents are displayed in a report.
In the following example, the report shows which employees had sales
for the current week, based on the dates entered on the form.
The steps below show how to create a dynamic crosstab report based on
tables in the sample database NWIND.MDB.
The following new objects must be added to the database: one table,
one query, one form, one report and two functions. Each item is
explained in a separate section below.
Field: Order Amount
Table: Orders
Total: Sum
Crosstab: Value
Field: Product Name
Table: Products
Total: Group By
Crosstab: Row Heading
Field: RowTotal:Order Amount
Table: Orders
Total: Sum
Crosstab: Row Heading
Field: Last Name
Table: Employees
Total: Group By
Crosstab: Column Heading
Field: Order Date
Table: Orders
Total: Where
Criteria: Between [Start Date] and [End Date]
PARAMETERS [Start Date] DateTime, [End Date] DateTime;
TRANSFORM Sum(Orders.[Order Amount]) AS [SumOfOrder Amount]
SELECT Products.[Product Name], Sum(Orders.[Order Amount])
AS RowTotal
FROM Employees, Orders, [Order Details], Products, Orders
INNER JOIN [Order Details]
ON Orders.[Order ID] = [Order Details].[Order ID], Employees
ON Employees.[Employee ID] = Orders.[Employee ID], Products
INNER JOIN [Order Details]
ON Products.[Product ID] = [Order Details].[Product ID]
WHERE ((Orders.[Order Date] Between [Start Date] And [End Date]))
GROUP BY Products.[Product Name]
PIVOT Employees.[Last Name]
Parameter DataType
[Start Date] Date/Time
[End Date] Date/Time
(Text_Box_1) ControlName: Start Date
(Text_Box_2) ControlName: End Date
Caption: "Print Report"
OnPush: =XTabPrint()
RecordSource: XTabResult
=GetPageHdr(0) =GetPageHdr(1) =GetPageHdr(2) =GetPageHdr(3)
=GetPageHdr(4) =GetPageHdr(5) =GetPageHdr(6) =GetPageHdr(7)
=GetPageHdr(8) =GetPageHdr(9)
[Column0] [Column1] [Column2] [Column3] [Column4] [Column5]
[Column6] [Column7] [Column8] [Column9]
Option Compare Database 'Use database order for string comparisons.
Option Explicit
' Global variables
Dim MyFields() ' For holding field names.
Dim nColumns As Integer ' For holding the number of columns.
' GetPageHdr Function
Function GetPageHdr (col)
If (col < nColumns) Then
GetPageHdr = MyFields(col)
GetPageHdr = ""
End If
End Function
' XTabPrint Function
Function XTabPrint ()
Dim MyDB As Database, MyTable As Table
Dim MyDyna As Dynaset, MyQueryDef As QueryDef
Dim MySnap As Snapshot, i As Integer
' Create a dynaset from the query.
Set MyDB = CurrentDB()
Set MyQueryDef = MyDB.OpenQueryDef("CrossQry")
MyQueryDef![Start Date] = Forms![XTabSample]![Start Date]
MyQueryDef![End Date] = Forms![XTabSample]![End Date]
Set MyDyna = MyQueryDef.CreateDynaset()
' Get field information and store the field names.
Set MySnap = MyDyna.ListFields()
nColumns = MySnap.RecordCount
ReDim MyFields(nColumns)
i = 0
While Not MySnap.EOF
MyFields(i) = MySnap!Name
i = i + 1
' Delete the contents of the XTabResult table.
Set MyTable = MyDB.OpenTable("XTabResult")
While Not MyTable.EOF
' Dump the dynaset into the XTabResult table.
' Table should have a column called COLUMN# for each column in
' the crosstab dynaset.
While Not MyDyna.EOF
For i = 0 To nColumns - 1
MyTable("Column" & i) = MyDyna(MyFields(i))
' Print the report.
DoCmd OpenReport "CrossReport", A_PREVIEW
End Function
Microsoft Access "User's Guide," version 1.0, pages 154-159
Keywords : kbusage RptOthr
Version : 1.0 1.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: March 26, 1999