ACC1x: How to Create a Table with Access Basic CodeID: Q88157
There is no command in Microsoft Access to programmatically create a table. This article demonstrates a method and a user-defined Access Basic function you can use to accomplish this task. The user-defined function requires a "template table" that you can create.
Create the template table before you create the user-defined function. The
template table is used to define the data types that will be used in the
new table.
For example, in the template table below, the user has created a data type
called Long Text, which is a 255-character Text field. The user has also
created data types called Short Text, Long Int, and so on.
Table Name: MyTemplate
Field Name Field Type Length
Long Text Text 255
Short Text Text 50
Long Int Number Long Integer
Integer Number Integer
Memo Memo N/A
Date/Time Date/Time N/A
OLE Object OLE Object N/A
<target table> is the name of the table to create and MUST NOT exist in the database. You may want to code a routine to check for the existence of such a table before invoking this procedure.
<template table> contains the user-defined data types that will be used in creating the target table.
<structure definition> defines the structure of the columns in the table.
<structure definition> = "<field name> As <user-defined data type>,..."
CreateTable "NewTable",
"First Name As Short Text,
Last Name As Short Text,
Description As Long Text,
Amount As Integer,
Notes As Memo"
Sub CreateTable (TargetTbl As String, TemplateTbl As String,
StructureDef As String)
Dim LineChunk As String, SelectStmt As String, TempChunk As String
Dim CharPos As Integer, HomePos As Integer, BuildLoop As Integer
Dim CrtTblDB As Database, CrtTblQry As QueryDef
BuildLoop = True
HomePos = 1
SelectStmt = "Select "
Do While BuildLoop
If InStr(HomePos, StructureDef, ",") <> 0 Then
LineChunk = Trim(Mid$(StructureDef, HomePos, (InStr(HomePos,_
StructureDef, ",") - HomePos)))
LineChunk = Trim(Mid$(StructureDef, HomePos))
BuildLoop = False
End If
TempChunk = Trim$(Mid$(LineChunk, InStr(UCase$(LineChunk),_
" AS ") + 3))
SelectStmt = SelectStmt & "[" & Trim(Mid$(TempChunk, 1))_
& "]" & " As [" & Trim(Mid$(LineChunk, 1, _
InStr(UCase$(LineChunk), " AS "))) & "],"
HomePos = InStr(HomePos, StructureDef, ",") + 1
SelectStmt = Left$(Trim(SelectStmt), Len(Trim(SelectStmt)) - 1) & "_
Into [" & TargetTbl & "] From [" & TemplateTbl & "];"
Set CrtTblDB = CurrentDB()
Set CrtTblQry = CrtTblDB.CreateQueryDef("TempQuery", SelectStmt)
CrtTblDB.DeleteQueryDef ("TempQuery")
End Sub
Keywords : kbusage TblModfy
Version : 1.0 1.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: March 10, 1999