ACC1x: How To Determine If a Record Is Being EditedID: Q106298
In Microsoft Access version 1.x, there is no built-in functionality to
determine if the current record on a form is "dirty," or being edited. This
article demonstrates a method of determining if the current record is being
Note that in Microsoft Access version 2.0, you can use the Dirty property
to determine if a record is being edited.
This article assumes that you are familiar with Access Basic and with
creating Microsoft Access applications using the programming tools provided
with Microsoft Access. For more information on Access Basic, please refer
to the "Introduction to Programming" manual.
When you are editing a record, the record selector on the left side of the
form becomes a pencil. The pencil indicates that changes have been made to
the record that have not yet been saved.
If the record is being edited, and you try to save it, Microsoft Access
will run the form's BeforeUpdate event before saving the record. Microsoft
Access will not run the BeforeUpdate event if the record is not dirty.
The following example demonstrates how to test whether Microsoft Access
needs to run the BeforeUpdate event to determine whether the record is
Declarations Section
Option Explicit
Dim FormToTest As Form
Dim fNotDirty
Function IsDirty()
Function IsDirty (F As Form)
' Store the form to test
Set FormToTest = F
' Set the flag indicating we want to test to see
' if the form is dirty or not
fNotDirty = True
' Activate the form so the DoMenuItem will work
DoCmd SelectObject A_FORM, F.FormName
' Save the current record to see if BeforeUpdate event fires
On Error Resume Next
' If record is dirty, control goes to TestIsDirty function
' Return the flag result; if dirty, TestIsDirty will have
' fired and toggled the flag to False and will have
' canceled the save record (BeforeUpdate) event.
IsDirty = Not fNotDirty
' Reset the flag
fNotDirty = False
End Function
Function TestIsDirty()
Function TestIsDirty ()
' If flag is set, we are testing for Edit Mode
If fNotDirty Then
' Indicate we are testing for Edit Mode
TestIsDirty = True
' Toggle the flag to indicate to IsDirty that
' the form is, in fact, dirty
fNotDirty = False
' Cancel the BeforeUpdate event
DoCmd CancelEvent
' Control goes back to IsDirty function
End If
End Function
Condition Action
TestIsDirty() StopMacro
If TestIsDirty() Then Exit Function
?MsgBox (isdirty(Forms!<FormName>))
Macro Name Condition Action
TestIsDirty() StopMacro
Function IsCategoriesFormDirty ()
If IsDirty(Forms!Categories) Then
MsgBox "Dirty!"
MsgBox "Not Dirty!"
End If
End Function
Condition Action Described Below
IsDirty(Forms!Categories) MsgBox 1
Not IsDirty(Forms!Categories) MsgBox 2
IsCategoriesFormDirty Macro Actions
1. MsgBox
Message: Dirty!
2. MsgBox
Message: Not Dirty!
Caption: Is Dirty?
OnPush: =IsCategoriesFormDirty()
OnPush: IsCategoriesFormDirty
Keywords : kbusage FmsProp
Version : 1.0 1.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: March 27, 1999