BUG: Error in GENXTAB When a Question Mark Is Encountered

ID: Q117353

2.00 2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.60 | 2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.60 | 2.50b 2.50c

MS-DOS                     | WINDOWS               | MACINTOSH

The information in this article applies to:


When you are creating a cross-tab table with the Relational Query by Example (RQBE) tool and there is a question mark ("?") in the field data that is going to become a field name, you will receive one of the following error messages, depending on whether the question mark is alone or has other alphanumeric characters with it.

If "?" is in a field by itself, the following error message occurs:

   Line No.: 399
   Program GENXTAB
   Error: Unrecognized Phrase/Keyword in command.
   Source: REPLACE (m.f2) WITH &f2 + m.f3

If your data is alphanumeric and contains a question mark (for example, "B?C" or "B?1"), the following error message will occur:

   Line No.: 339
   Program GENXTAB
   Error: Invalid or duplicate field name.
   Source: CREATE CURSOR (outfname) FROM ARRAY outarray


GENXTAB.PRG should have "?" listed as a "bad" character.


1. Open GENXTAB.PRG in a editing window.

2. From the Edit menu, choose Find.

3. In the Look For box, type "badchars" (without the quotation marks).

4. On the line that starts with "m.badchars =", type a ? inside the

   quotation marks after the equal sign.


The next time you generate a cross-tab table, you will not get an error.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.


Steps to Reproduce Problem

NOTE: These steps reproduce only the first error listed above.

1. Create a table with the following structure:

      Field name          Width         Type

      FNAME                10             C
      GRADE                 3             C

2. Put three records in the database:

      FNAME       GRADE

      Eric          A
      Eric          A
      Eric          ?

3. Run a cross-tab with the third field being a COUNT() function on GRADE;
   that is, COUNT(GRADE).

4. Choose the Do Query button.

The first error message listed above will appear.

Additional reference words: FoxDos FoxWin 2.00 2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.50c 2.60 XTAB errmsg err msg crosstab cross tab cross tabulation cross tabular format buglist2.00 buglist2.50 buglist2.50a buglist2.50b buglist2.50c buglist2.60 KBCategory: KBSubcategory: FxtoolRqbe

Keywords          : kberrmsg FxtoolRqbe 
Version           : 2.00 2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.60 | 2.5
Platform          : MACINTOSH MS-DOS WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998