ACC1x: How to Get SQL Pass-Through Functionality Using Q+E
ID: Q90102
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Access versions 1.0, 1.1
Microsoft Access does not directly support the use of pass-through SQL
(the ability to pass SQL commands directly to a server). However, you can
use Access Basic to perform dynamic data exchange (DDE) with the Q+E
application, which does support pass-through SQL. Using this method, you
can pass SQL commands to run stored procedures and other SQL commands.
To use Q+E's pass-through SQL capabilities in Microsoft Access, create
the following function in a new or existing module.
NOTE: In the following sample code, an underscore (_) is used as a
line-continuation character. Remove the underscore from the end of the
line when re-creating this code in Access Basic.
Function SQLPassThru (SQLCommandText, SQLDatabaseText)
On Error Resume Next
Err = 0
chan = DDEInitiate("QE", "System")
If Err Then
Err = 0
Result = Shell("QE", 2)
If Err Then
MsgBox "ERROR: Unable to start Q+E. Q+E must be in your _
PATH statement", 16, "SQL PassThru"
Exit Function
End If
chan = DDEInitiate("QE", "System")
End If
DDEExecute chan, "[LOGON(SQLServer)]"
DDEExecute chan, "[OPEN('USE " & SQLDatabaseText & "; " & _
SQLCommandText & "','SQLSERVER')]"
DDEExecute chan, "[EXIT()]"
DDETerminate chan
End Function
The SQLPassThru() function initiates a DDE channel with Q+E. If Q+E is
not available, the function attempts to start Q+E. If Q+E cannot be
started, the function displays an error message and ends. If Q+E can be
started, a DDE channel is initiated. The SQLPassThru() function then
directs Q+E to display its Logon dialog box so you can log on to SQL
Server. The SQL USE command is used to ensure that SQLPassThru() is in
the database you specify, and SQLPassThru() runs the SQL command. After
the command is run, SQLPassThru() exits the Q+E application and
terminates the DDE channel that the function established.
The following demonstrates a sample call to the SQLPassThru() function:
=SQLPassThru("sp_addlogin Ted, ted","master")
In the above example, the SQLPassThru() function will start Q+E and
initiate a DDE channel, if possible. You will then be prompted to log on
to a SQL Server. After you log on, the function will use the master
database on the SQL Server and run the stored procedure sp_addlogin,
which will add a login for a user named Ted with a password of "ted."
After the command runs, the function will exit the Q+E application and
terminate the DDE channel.
NOTE: You must include quotation marks around both of the parameters to
ensure that they are used properly. You may also have to include
additional quotation marks in the SQL command you are sending to the
SQL Server to ensure that the command is being processed correctly.
For examples of the types of adjustments that you may need to make to
the SQL command string, see the "Q+E for Microsoft Excel User's Guide."
You can modify this function in many different ways, including:
- To accept additional parameters and have additional corresponding
DDEExecute commands, thereby allowing the execution of multiple SQL
commands with one function call
- To use as a Sub procedure in which you can hard-code the parameters for
the command and SQL database in the Access Basic code
- To retrieve information from the SQL server, or send information to
the SQL server using the DDERequest and DDEPoke commands
- To use in conjunction with a form to allow on-line SQL command
- To break into multiple functions with different capabilities, such as
one function to initiate the channel, another function to execute
the commands, and another function to terminate the channel
- To access database types that Microsoft Access does not support but
that Q+E does.
Microsoft Access "Language Reference," version 1.0, pages 115-126
Microsoft Access "Introduction to Programming," version 1.0, Chapter 2,
pages 1-8
Microsoft Excel "Q+E for Microsoft Excel User's Guide," version 4.0,
pages 101-102
Keywords : kbinterop QryPass
Version : 1.0 1.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: March 11, 1999