BUG: Setup Program of Distributed Application Fails

ID: Q135039

2.60a MACINTOSH kbtool kbbuglist

The information in this article applies to:


If you make a custom .EXE file or application that uses the FoxPro for Macintosh Connectivity Kit and run the Setup Wizard to create distribution floppy disks, a person using the floppy disks to install your application receives the following error messages and the setup ends:

   System Error!
   Resource not found.

Once the OK button is clicked, the first error dialog box is followed by this message:

   Installation interrupted. Some options may
   be only partially installed.

After this message, the setup ends. The last file to be installed is Fpsql.mlb.


One of the files included on the floppy disks is the Fpsql.mlb shared library that the Connectivity Kit uses. The Fpsql.mlb file causes this problem when it is installed. If this file is not on the distribution floppy disks, setup proceeds normally.


Copy the Fpsql.mlb file into the application's folder on the target Macintosh from another separate floppy disk that has an uncompressed copy of the file on it.

TIP: Even though the development version of FoxPro for Macintosh looks for library files (.mlb) in the System:Extensions folder, custom .EXE files and applications do not seem to be able to find the library files unless they are in the same folder as the program. The Distribution Kit setup installs any library files into the System:Extensions folder.

For more information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q130993
   TITLE     : DOCERR: DK Installer Does Not Prompt User To Install ASLM


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.


Note that the Distribution Kit and Connectivity Kit are only available with the Professional version of FoxPro version 2.6 for Macintosh.

For library files (.mlb) to be used by FoxPro or FoxPro applications, the Apple Shared Library Manager (ASLM) must be installed. A license from Apple is needed to distribute the ASLM. For information on obtaining this license from Apple, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q117589
   TITLE     : ASLM Licensing Information

Steps to Reproduce Problem

It is assumed that you have a working knowledge of building applications or .EXE files in FoxPro and running the Setup Wizard. For more information on using the Setup Wizard, please see Chapters 1-4 of the Microsoft FoxPro Distribution Kit for Macintosh "User's Guide" version 2.6.

1. Create an application or .EXE file in FoxPro. It can be as simple as a

   one line program such as:

   WAIT WINDOW "Hello World"

2. Place the application or .EXE file you created in an empty folder, and
   include a copy of the Fpsql.mlb file in this folder. If the Connectivity
   Kit has been installed, the Fpsql.mlb file can be copied from the
   System:Extensions folder.

3. Run the Setup Wizard to create distribution disks. There is no need
   to include the files for Graphical Help, OLE, or Quicktime. If an
   application (.app) file was built, answer Yes to the question on
   including the support library files.

4. Copy the disk images to properly labeled disks. Then use them to
   install your .EXE file or application.

   NOTE: The problem occurs regardless of whether or not FoxPro is already

5. If installing on a Macintosh that already has Fpsql.mlb in the
   System:Extensions folder, remove the Fpsql.mlb file from that location
   prior to installation. Once the installation fails, there will be a
   valid copy of the Fpsql.mlb file in the System:Extensions folder, and
   that copy will be the last file installed. Removing the Fpsql.mlb file
   prior to installation, however, is not necessary to cause the problem.

Additional reference words: 2.60a FoxMac buglist2.60 KBCategory: kbtool kbbuglist KBSubcategory: FxtoolDk
Keywords          : FxtoolDk kbbuglist
Version           : 2.60a
Platform          : MACINTOSH

Last Reviewed: May 19, 1996