Contents of README.TXT in the FPW26 DirectoryID: Q114434
Below is the complete FoxPro for Windows README.TXT file found in the main FoxPro directory (usually FPW26).
Release Notes for
Microsoft(R) FoxPro(R) for Windows(TM) Version 2.6
(C)1994 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This README provides information not contained in the
FoxPro online Help file or print documentation, and provides
corrections to both. Information in Help is more current than
information in the print documentation.
Part Description
---- -----------
1 New Features in FoxPro 2.6
2 New and Enhanced Commands and Functions
3 Notes about the Catalog Manager
4 Notes about Wizards
5 Macro Key Support in FoxPro 2.6
6 FoxPro and Other Applications
7 International and Cross-Platform Recommendations
8 Installation Questions and Answers
9 Product Support Questions and Answers
Part 1: New Features in FoxPro 2.6
Microsoft FoxPro version 2.6 includes the following
new features:
* A Catalog Manager interface that provides convenient
access to database files and functions, and enables you
to convert dBASE(R) files easily.
* A collection of wizards that simplify common database
* Language additions that provide dBASE IV(R) language
FoxPro version 2.6 includes existing print
documentation from version 2.5, as well as significant
updates to the Help file that describe new 2.6
functionality. For more information, see the What's New
Since FoxPro 2.5 Help topic.
Part 2: New and Enhanced Commands and Functions
Several commands and functions are new to FoxPro 2.6,
and some have been enhanced to provide additional
compatibility with dBASE IV(R). For additional information
about these commands and functions, see the New and Enhanced
Commands and Functions Help topic.
New/Enhanced Commands
New/Enhanced Functions
FOR( )
ID( )
RUN( )
TAG( )
New/Enhanced System Memory Variables
Part 3: Notes about the Catalog Manager
Reserved Names in the Catalog Manager
Like any other FoxPro application, the Catalog Manager calls
and runs procedures and programs whose names may interfere
with other user-defined procedures and programs.
When you execute a program or procedure, FoxPro searches for
the program or procedure in a specific order. This order
includes the current file as well as programs that were
executed prior to the current one, including the Catalog
Manager itself.
Below is a list of procedure and program names that can cause
errors if run from within the Catalog Manager.
API Library Routines and the Catalog Manager
If you use any routines that are called when an API library
is opened or closed, you should note the following Catalog
Manager behaviors.
The Catalog Manager opens and closes API libraries on
these occasions:
* When the Catalog Manager is started, all API
libraries are closed.
* When a program is run from within the Catalog
Manager, all API libraries that were open before
the Catalog Manager started are opened. When the program
ends the API libraries are closed.
* When the Catalog Manager is exited, all API
libraries that were open before the Catalog
Manager started are opened.
Part 4: Notes about Wizards
Printing with the Report and Label Wizards
To use a Report or a Label Wizard in Windows you must have
a printer installed, otherwise a "Printer not ready" error
occurs. To install a printer, select Print Setup from the
File Menu and choose your printer.
Printing Labels with a Laser Printer
The Label Wizard is designed to print labels that use a
whole sheet of paper, which can go over the printable margins
allowed by Laser printers. If you use a Laser printer and
your labels print over the printable page you must use the
Report Writer to modify your label to print only on the
printable page. To restrict the printing area of labels
follow these steps:
1. Modify your label using the Report Writer.
2. From the Report menu, select Page Layout.
3. In the Print Area section of the Page Layout dialog,
select the Printable Page radio button.
If you want to modify the label further, you must use the
Report Writer, not the Label Wizard.
Memo and General Fields and the Label Wizard
To add Memo and General fields you must modify the label
with the Report Writer. Memo and General fields cannot be
included in a label created with the Label Wizard.
Modifying Wizard-Created Items in Microsoft Windows NT(TM)
If you are using the Microsoft Windows NT operating system,
you can use wizards to create tables, queries,
screens, reports, or labels. To modify items created with a
wizard you must use the appropriate FoxPro power tool, such
as the Screen Builder, Report Writer or RQBE.
Part 5: Macro Key Support in FoxPro 2.6
In FoxPro 2.6, the key combinations Alt+1 to Alt+9 cannot
be used to define macros. For a list of key combinations
supported in FoxPro 2.6 see the ON KEY LABEL topic in Help.
Part 6: FoxPro and Other Applications
Importing Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets to FoxPro
FoxPro can import spreadsheet files from Microsoft
Excel version 4.0. To import spreadsheets from Microsoft
Excel version 5.0, you must first save them as version
4.0 files. Columns from the spreadsheet become fields
in the table, and rows from the spreadsheet become records
in the table.
Running dBASE Applications in FoxPro
To run dBASE III and IV applications in FoxPro, first you
must convert the individual components, and then re-compile
them in FoxPro.
To convert dBASE III and dBASE IV files use the FoxPro
Catalog Manager. For information on converting dBASE files
in the Catalog Manager, see the Switching from dBASE Help
You can also use the Convert dBASE Files dialog to convert
more than one file at a time. To bring up this dialog,
select Convert dBASE files... from the Run menu.
Part 7: International and Cross-Platform Recommendations
See the International and Cross-Platform Features topic in
Help for the latest information on code pages and collation
Tagging Code Pages to Tables in the Catalog Manager
Note: This section only applies if you are using code
pages for cross-platform development.
To ensure that accented characters in a table are displayed
correctly on the current platform, the table must be tagged
with a code page. In Catalog Manager, to tag a code page to
a table that does not have one, make sure the following
are true:
1. SET EXCLUSIVE is ON. The exclusive setting can
be set in the Catalog Manager Settings dialog.
2. The configuration file (CONFIG.FPW) includes the
When you try to use the table without a code page in the
Catalog Manager a dialog appears, allowing you to specify
the platform on which the file was created. Once a table
is tagged with a code page you do not have to tag it again.
If you do not specify a code page, the table is displayed
with the code page of the current platform. To remove a
tag from a table, run CPZERO.PRG, located in the
FoxPro root directory.
Part 8: Installation Questions and Answers
Overview of Questions
1 What is the easiest way to install FoxPro on a network?
2 What kind of user rights do I need to install FoxPro
on the network?
3 Why are workstation users on our network unable to use
the graphing and spell checker features in FoxPro?
4 During installation I was asked to select either
DOS-style keystrokes or Windows-style keystrokes.
Which should I choose?
5 What is the minimum DOS files setting for FoxPro for
6 Does FoxPro for Windows update any Dynamic Link
Libraries (DLLs) in the Windows subdirectory where
system files are kept?
7 I accidentally deleted some of the FoxPro sample files.
Can I reinstall these files without reinstalling
8 My computer is having difficulty reading the FoxPro
disks because of an alignment problem with the floppy
drives. Is there another option for installation?
9 I'm trying to install FoxPro for Windows under Windows 3.0
and I'm getting the message "Cannot write VER.DLL."
Any suggestions?
10 I'm having difficulty installing FoxPro. I've tried
streamlining both my CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT and I
still can't install FoxPro for Windows. What should I
11 Can I put a common WIN.INI file up on the server?
12 What is the best way to edit the WIN.INI file?
13 If I modify my WIN.INI file, is it advisable to
restart Windows?
14 Can I delete the ~MSSTFQF.T directory?
15 I get the error message "Insufficient memory" when
trying to load FoxPro for Windows. What setting needs
to be modified?
16 My computer is running with 4 MB of RAM. How large a
swap file do I need?
17 When using my LANtastic network card, why do I always
get a memory conflict when loading FoxPro for Windows?
18 When using a Paradise driver, I get a memory conflict
when trying to load FoxPro for Windows. What should I
19 When I use QEMM386 memory manager with FoxPro for
Windows, I get a memory conflict. What should I do?
20 When I use the Mach32 video card with my Gateway 2000,
I get a General Protection Fault in module MACH32.DRV
at 0003:0E22. What should I do?
21 I understand that a number of video drivers don't work
properly with FoxPro for Windows. Why is this and what
steps should I take to resolve the situation?
22 I occasionally experience problems when trying to open
more than 15 tables at one time. What could be wrong?
23 I'm running Windows for Workgroups. Do I need to load
the MS-DOS SHARE program?
24 Where does FoxPro create temporary files?
25 I frequently use the RUN command to change drives and
directories within an application. Why isn't this
working in FoxPro for Windows?
26 Why doesn't the value returned by SYS(2010) match the
FILES setting in the CONFIG.SYS file?
27 What memory allocation options are available with the
Windows PIF Editor settings?
Question 1
What is the easiest way to install FoxPro on a network?
Answer 1
In a network environment you must first install FoxPro on
the server and then set up each workstation. Installation
on the server is called an Administrative Setup, for which
you use the /A installation switch. This option
decompresses all FoxPro for Windows files and Setup
files. FoxPro for Windows files will be read-only on the
network drive.
To perform an Administrative Setup, choose Run... from the
Windows Program Manager File menu. When the Run dialog
appears, type A:\SETUP /A or B:\SETUP /A (depending on the
floppy drive you are using) in the Command Line box. Press
Enter and proceed with the installation. You will be
prompted for your user information and an installation
directory, default drive, path name, and so on. For more
detailed information refer to "Instructions for
Administrative Setup" in the FoxPro for Windows
Installation and Configuration manual.
Installation on individual workstations is called
Workstation Setup, for which you use the /N installation
switch. Workstation Setup requires a previous
Administrative Setup. The Workstation Setup copies FoxPro
initialization files, updates some common .DLL files, and
creates a Program Manager group and an icon on each
workstation to run a shared network version of FoxPro
for Windows.
You can perform the workstation setup in two ways: from
the network or from disk. To install from a network drive, open
the Windows File Manager and then open a window with the
correct network path for FoxPro for Windows and double-
click SETUP.EXE. Choose the Workstation Installation
button in the Installation Type dialog box. To install
from disk, type A:\SETUP /N or B:\SETUP /N in the Run
dialog Command Line box, then press Enter. For more
detailed information refer to "Instructions for
Workstation Setup" in the FoxPro for Windows
Installation and Configuration manual.
Question 2
What kind of user rights do I need to install FoxPro on
the network?
Answer 2
You need full system rights to install on the network.
Contact your system administrator for further information
about your specific installation.
Question 3
Why are workstation users on our network unable to use the
graphing and spell checker features in FoxPro?
Answer 3
Workstation users need access to the MSGRAPH and PROOF
subdirectories in order to use these features. Contact
your system administrator regarding user access to these
Question 4
During installation I was asked to select either DOS-style
keystrokes or Windows-style keystrokes. Which should I
Answer 4
If you aren't sure which style to use, select Windows-
style keystrokes. Windows-style keystrokes correspond to
standard Windows keystrokes. MS-DOS-style keystrokes cause
FoxPro for Windows to behave like FoxPro for MS-DOS.
Later, if you want to use MS-DOS-style keystrokes, add the
line KEYCOMP = DOS to your CONFIG.FPW file. For more
information about the styles of keystrokes, see the SET
KEYCOMP command in the FoxPro Language Reference manual
or Help.
Question 5
What is the minimum DOS files setting for FoxPro for
Answer 5
The DOS FILES command should be set to 40 or higher.
Buffers should be set to at least 25, or to 10 if you are
using a disk cache. During installation, Setup checks your
CONFIG.SYS file. If your FILES setting is less than 40, a
dialog gives you three choices: have Setup make the
modifications for you, have Setup make the
modifications after you have reviewed and edited the
changes, or allow you to make the modifications later.
If you allow Setup to modify your CONFIG.SYS file, your
old file is saved as CONFIG.OLD or as CONFIG.001 if
CONFIG.OLD already exists. For more information, see
"Customizing FoxPro" in the Installation and Configuration
Question 6
Does FoxPro for Windows update any Dynamic Link Libraries
(DLL files) in the Windows subdirectory where system files
are kept?
Answer 6
Yes. The following DLL files are updated: COMMDLG.DLL,
and VER.DLL.
The FoxPro graphing capabilities require that GRAPH.EXE
and GRAPH.HLP be stored in the Windows subdirectory
FoxPro spell checking capabilities require that
stored in the Windows subdirectory MSAPPS\PROOF.
Question 7
I accidentally deleted some of the FoxPro sample files.
Can I reinstall these files without reinstalling FoxPro?
Answer 7
Yes. Run Setup again and select the Custom Installation
option from the Installation Type dialog. With this option
box, you choose which components to install.
Question 8
My computer is having difficulty reading the FoxPro disks
because of an alignment problem with the floppy drives.
Is there another option for installation?
Answer 8
Try copying all the files to a directory on your hard disk
and then install from the hard disk.
Question 9
I'm trying to install FoxPro for Windows under Windows 3.0
and I'm getting the message "Cannot write VER.DLL." Any
Answer 9
Rename the VER.DLL file in the Windows System subdirectory.
Question 10
I'm having difficulty installing FoxPro. I've tried
streamlining both my CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT and I
still can't install FoxPro for Windows. What should I do?
Answer 10
First of all, don't try to install from within a third-
party replacement shell, such as Norton Desktop. Make
sure you use the Windows Program Manager shell. To specify
the Program Manager shell, change the SYSTEM.INI line
SHELL = <some other shell>
Next, make certain you have disabled all TSRs, including
anti-virus software. Check the WIN.INI file for the
LOAD = and RUN = lines. Comment these lines out using a
semicolon (;).
Question 11
Can I put a common WIN.INI file up on the server?
Answer 11
No. Each workstation has its own WIN.INI file.
Question 12
What is the best way to edit the WIN.INI file?
Answer 12
You can edit the WIN.INI file with Notepad or EDIT.EXE in
MS-DOS 5.0 or greater.
Question 13
If I modify my WIN.INI file, is it advisable to restart
Answer 13
Yes. As a general rule, always restart Windows when you
have modified the WIN.INI file. There are some
exceptions, but if you are trouble-shooting you want to
be certain that all changes are reflected in the current
Question 14
Can I delete the ~MSSTFQF.T directory?
Answer 14
Yes. The ~MSSTFQF.T directory is created during setup.
Ordinarily this directory is deleted at the end of the
installation process.
Question 15
I get the error message "Insufficient memory" when trying
to load FoxPro for Windows. What setting needs to be
Answer 15
Add a MEMLIMIT statement to your CONFIG.FPW file. The
syntax for this statement is:
MEMLIMIT = %, min, max
The % argument is a calculated amount based on available
memory and min and max represent actual minimum and maximum
For example, the following statement allocates 80 percent
of your system's available memory to FoxPro with a minimum
allocation of 1024K and a maximum of 4096K:
MEMLIMIT = 80, 1024, 4096.
Question 16
My computer is running with 4 MB of RAM. How large a swap
file do I need?
Answer 16
Use a 2 MB permanent swap file for virtual memory and
don't include a MEMLIMIT setting in the CONFIG.FPW file.
If you are running multiple programs simultaneously, it
may be necessary to specify a swap file larger than 2 MB.
Let FoxPro run with the default setting. In addition, do
not use a RAM drive or an expanded memory manager.
Expanded memory isn't used by FoxPro for Windows. A disk
cache should be no larger than 256K.
Question 17
When using my LANtastic network card, I always get a
memory conflict when loading FoxPro for Windows. What
should I do?
Answer 17
Try using the following line in the SYSTEM.INI file in
the Windows directory:
EMMExclude = D800-DFFF
Question 18
When using a Paradise driver, I get a memory conflict when
trying to load FoxPro for Windows. What should I do?
Answer 18
Try using the following line in the SYSTEM.INI file in
the Windows directory:
EMMExclude = C600-C800
Question 19
When I use QEMM386 memory manager with FoxPro for Windows,
I get a memory conflict. What should I do?
Answer 19
Try using the following line in the SYSTEM.INI file in
the Windows directory:
EMMExclude = C0FF-C7FF
Question 20
When I use the Mach32 video card with my Gateway 2000, I
get a General Protection Fault in module MACH32.DRV at
0003:0E22. What should I do?
Answer 20
You are experiencing a problem with your video driver.
Contact your video card vendor for the most recent version
of the driver. In the meantime, you can use the VGA.DRV
or the SUPERVGA.DRV drivers that come with Windows.
Question 21
I understand that a number of video drivers don't work
properly with FoxPro for Windows. Why is this and what
steps should I take to resolve the situation?
Answer 21
FoxPro for Windows makes intensive use of screen I/O. If
you are experiencing General Protection Faults (GPFs) or
display problems (borders, status bar, fonts, unusual
alignment when previewing reports) you may be experiencing
a problem with your video driver. To test this situation,
load either the VGA or VGA version 3.0 drivers and go
through the steps to reproduce the earlier problem. If the
problem no longer exists when you are using a standard Windows driver, it's
very likely that the old driver was the cause of the problem. Contact the
vendor for an updated version of the driver. Complete instructions for
obtaining the Windows Driver Library is contained in the Product Support
section of this file.
We have identified problems with the following video
ATI Ultra Graphics Pro (local bus) -- caused GPF, fixed
with update
AST Power Premium 486 w/VGA on Motherboard -- fixed
with update
Genoa 7900 MM card
Dell 486/20 with VGA on Motherboard
Compaq QVision
Speed Star 24x
Trident 8900C
TIGA 1024 x 768 x 256 small fonts
Contact your video card vendor for the most recent version
of the driver for your card. In the meantime, you can use
the VGA.DRV or the SUPERVGA.DRV drivers that come with
Question 22
I occasionally experience problems when trying to open
more than 15 tables at one time. What could be wrong?
Answer 22
Make certain you have the correct SHARE statement in your
SHARE /F:4096 /L:500
Question 23
I'm running Windows for Workgroups. Do I need to load the
MS-DOS SHARE program?
Answer 23
No. Windows for Workgroups automatically loads VSHARE,
which takes the place of SHARE.
Question 24
Where does FoxPro create its temporary files?
Answer 24
FoxPro creates its temporary files in the same directory
where Windows stores its temporary files, unless you
specifically designate an alternate location by including
one or more of the EDITWORK, SORTWORK, PROGWORK and/or
TMPFILES statements in the CONFIG.FPW file. The location
of Windows .TMP files is specified with the MS-DOS set
variable TEMP. In most cases, you should let FoxPro write
.TMP files to the same location. However, if this
location is a RAM drive, make sure that enough space is
available for both FoxPro and Windows .TMP files.
Question 25
I frequently use the RUN command to change drives and
directories within an application. Why isn't this working
in FoxPro for Windows?
Answer 25
Each time you issue the RUN command to change drives and
directories, Windows opens a new session of MS-DOS,
otherwise known as a virtual machine, and executes the
command within the newly created session. When you exit
from this session or shut down the virtual machine, you
are right back where you started without having changed
drives. You should use FoxPro's own drive and directory
commands instead of using the RUN command. For example,
using SET DEFAULT TO C:\NEWDIR will actually issue the
MS-DOS command CHDIR.
Question 26
Why doesn't the value returned by SYS(2010) match the
FILES setting in the CONFIG.SYS file?
Answer 26
Windows interacts with the MS-DOS open file tables in such
a way that the value reported in the MS-DOS box and in
Windows may be different.
Question 27
What memory allocation options are available with the
Windows PIF Editor settings?
Answer 27
In the PIF Editor "memory requirements" section the
"KB Required" and "KB Desired" may both be set to "-1".
This tells Windows to give all the available memory it
can to an MS-DOS application. This doesn't mean that the
MS-DOS application will have more than 600K, but it will
get about as much conventional memory as you had available
before starting Windows (minus some conventional memory
that Windows itself occupies).
Changing the "EMS Memory" and "XMS Memory" sections
tells Windows to provide or not provide the MS-DOS
application and EMS (Expanded Memory Services) or XMS
(Extended Memory Services). This won't, however, allow
an application that doesn't support accessing EMS or
XMS to do so. Only applications that have the capability
will be able to access the additional memory provided. It
is important to note that once you tell Windows to create
EMS or XMS for an application, it does so whether the
application can use it or not.
In the "Execution" section, if Exclusive is selected, no
other application, be it Windows or MS-DOS, will run while
the application with Exclusive is the current application.
In the "Advanced Options" there is a "Multitasking
Options" section. This section is very important when you
are trying to get an MS-DOS application to run in the
background. If the MS-DOS application is very I/O
intensive (reads and writes to disk, asynchronous
communication, and do on) it will be necessary to increase
the "Background Priority." Unfortunately there is no rule
of thumb when it comes to the exact number that should be
used. It's important to note that the larger the number
for "Background Priority" the slower other applications
will run while the MS-DOS application with the high
priority is running in the background.
Part 9: Product Support Questions and Answers
Overview of Questions
1 Where can I go for additional pre-sale information
on Microsoft Fox products, such as pricing, upgrade
policies, and release dates?
2 How do I download the Windows Driver Library?
3 Where can I go for additional FoxPro product support?
4 If I call for support or post a message on the Fox
Forum what information should I include?
5 If I am deaf or hard of hearing where can I go for
additional FoxPro product support?
6 I have some specific comments and suggestions on
Microsoft Fox products. Where can I direct these
7 How do I use @ ... SAY Commands and Control Codes
to Print in FP/W.
Question 1
Where can I go for additional pre-sale information on
Microsoft Fox products, such as pricing, upgrade policies,
and release dates?
Answer 1
Call 800-426-9400.
Question 2
How do I download the Windows Driver Library?
Answer 2
If you don't have a modem, you can obtain the WDL on disk from Microsoft
End-User Sales. To order the WDL on disk, call 800-426-9400, Monday through
Friday, 6:00 a.m.- 5:30 p.m., Pacific time. There is a $20 fee for ordering
the WDL on disk.
Question 3
Where can I go for additional FoxPro product support?
Answer 3
Call *Microsoft FastTips* to hear recorded responses to common questions
about Microsoft FoxPro. You can also order technical notes that are sent to
your fax machine. FastTips is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
For assistance with FoxPro, dial 425-635-7190.
Call *Microsoft Technical Support* between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Pacific
time, Monday through Friday. For assistance with Microsoft Fox products for
MS-DOS or for Windows, call 425-635-7191. For assistance with Microsoft Fox
products for the Macintosh, call 425-635-7192.
Microsoft support services are subject to Microsoft prices, terms, and
conditions that are in place at the time the service is used.
Question 4
If I call for support or post a message on the Fox Forum,
what information should I include?
Answer 4
When you call, you should be at your computer and have the
appropriate product documentation at hand. Be prepared to
give the following information:
* The Product Identification Number for your product.
You can find this number by choosing About FoxPro... from
the Help menu. The Product ID is displayed on the About
FoxPro dialog. The Product ID is a serial number that will
be used to auto-route your call to the appropriate support
person, to meter any free support you are entitled to, and
to display your prior support history.
* The version number of the Microsoft Fox product that you
are using. This can be obtained by typing ?VERSION(1) in
the Command window for FoxPro.
* The type of hardware you are using, including network
hardware if applicable; and the operating environment
that you are using.
* The contents of the following files: CONFIG.FPW or
CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, and any network
configuration files.
* The exact wording of any messages that appeared on your
* A description of what happened and what you were doing
when the problem occurred.
* Can you reproduce the problem using a small number of
* What steps have you already taken to solve the problem?
Question 5
If I am deaf or hard of hearing where can I go for
additional FoxPro product support?
Answer 5
Microsoft Technical Support is available for the
hearing impaired. Using a special TDD/TT modem, dial
425-635-4948 between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Pacific time,
Monday through Friday.
Microsoft support services are subject to Microsoft
prices, terms, and conditions that are in place at the
time the service is used.
Question 6
I have some specific comments and suggestions on Microsoft
Fox products. Where can I direct these comments?
Answer 6
Help make future versions of Microsoft Fox products even
better by calling, sending a fax, sending a note, or
sending electronic mail. Your feedback will be considered
in developing future versions of Microsoft FoxPro.
Call 425-936-9474 and leave your comments using a
touch-tone phone 24 hours a day.
Fax 425-936-7329 and provide detailed comments 24
hours a day.
Send a note to:
Microsoft FoxPro WishLine
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052
If you have access to the Internet, send electronic mail to:
Additional query words: FoxWin kbreadme
Keywords : kbenable kbsetup FxotherReadme
Version : 2.60
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: July 28, 1999