Contents of the Fox/Win and Fox/DOS 2.6 LCK Readme File

ID: Q116002

2.60    | 2.60
WINDOWS | MS-DOS kbreadme

The information in this article applies to:


Below is the complete FoxPro Library Construction Kit (LCK) for Windows and MS-DOS README.TXT file. This file is found on Disk 1 of the LCK.


  Microsoft(R) FoxPro(R) Version 2.6 Professional Edition
  Library Construction Kit for Windows(TM) and MS-DOS(R)

    (C)1994 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

  This file contains additions and corrections to the
  FoxPro Library Construction Kit Developer's Guide.


Part Description ---- -----------

 1     Installation
 2     Additions to LCK Developer's Guide Since Printing
 3     Corrections to LCK Developer's Guide Since Printing

Part 1: Installation

Installing the Professional Edition of FoxPro 2.6

The Professional Edition of FoxPro 2.6 includes the following kits:

Distribution Kit Connectivity Kit Library Construction Kit WorkGroup Extensions (FoxPro for Windows only)

To install the Professional Edition of FoxPro, first install the main FoxPro product, then follow the installation instructions included with each individual kit. The order in which the kits are installed does not matter.

Part 2: Additions to LCK Developer's Guide Since Printing In the LCK Developer's Guide, references to FoxPro 2.5 should be read as references to FoxPro 2.6.

The EXAMPLES directory contains a FoxPro database with all the example code that is used in the manual. Simply search for the function with example code you wish to copy and then extract the code from the memo field. You are free to use this code in your own applications.

The following function has been added:

WHANDLE _WMainWindow( )

Description: _WMainWindow( ) returns the WHANDLE of the main FoxPro window in FoxPro for Windows or of the FoxPro desktop in FoxPro for MS-DOS.

Example: The following example writes a message to the main FoxPro window in FoxPro for Windows or to the FoxPro desktop in FoxPro for MS-DOS.

FoxPro Code:

   = EXWMAIN()

C Code:

   #include <pro_ext.h>

   void FAR example(ParamBlk FAR *parm)
        WHANDLE wh = _WMainWindow();
        _WPutStr(wh, "\nThis is the main FoxPro window or desktop.");

   FoxInfo myFoxInfo[] = {
        {"EXWMAIN", example, 0, ""},

   FoxTable _FoxTable = {
      (FoxTable FAR *) 0, sizeof(myFoxInfo)/sizeof(FoxInfo), myFoxInfo

Part 3: Corrections to LCK Developer's Guide Since


Page 2: In the Reverse.C example:

The comment "/* Check to see if we can allocate the memory needed. */" is missing the end comment marker */.

The three-line comment "Since this routine doesn't call any functions that cause memory reorganization . . . prior to de-referencing them (_HandToPtr)" is missing the single line comment marker // in the second and third lines.

This statement:

   for (i = 0; i << parm->p[0].val.ev_length; i++)
            *(out_string--) = *(in_string++);

should be:

   for (i = 0; i < parm->p[0].val.ev_length; i++)
            *(out_string--) = *(in_string++);

Change the "<<" in the original example to "<".

Page 5: The Value Structure Fields table should include the General FoxPro data type. The applicable fields and their values are listed below:

val.ev_type = 'G' val.ev_width = FCHAN val.ev_long = length of general field val.ev_real = offset of general field

Page 6: The data type FPFI, a FAR pointer to a function returning Int, is mistakenly listed as "FPDI".

Page 7: In addition to the Point, Rect and EventRec data structures, PointP and RectP should be included. PointP and RectP are identical to Point and Rect except that Point and Rect coordinates are in rows and columns while PointP and RectP coordinates are in pixels.

Page 12: The example

    if (parm->p[0].val.ev_type='C'

should be:

   if (parm->p[0].val.ev_type=='C')

Use an expression ==, a closed parenthesis at the end of the first line, and a semicolon at the end of the second line.

Page 22: When compiling a .PLB library in Microsoft C7 or Visual C/C++, you need to use the following command line:

CL /O /ALw /Zp /GW

When linking a .PLB library in Microsoft C7 or C8, you need to use the /NOE and /NONULLS switches.

Leaving out /NOE can cause redefinition errors. Leaving out /NONULLS will cause FoxPro not to recognize the .PLB as a valid library.

Page 25: The section heading for the makefile on this page is incorrect. It should say "Microsoft C/C++ Makefile for MS-DOS" instead of "WATCOM C Makefile for MS-DOS."

Page 26: The makefile on this page should have the

following section heading: "WATCOM C Makefile for MS-DOS."

Page 39: The example doesn't work as intended in all cases. To have it work, you need to change the following line:

   (( char FAR *) _HandToPtr(p1.ev_handle))[p1.ev_length] = '\0';


   (( char FAR *) _HandToPtr(p0.ev_handle))[p0.ev_length - 1] = '\0';
   (( char FAR *) _HandToPtr(p1.ev_handle))[p1.ev_length - 1] = '\0';

Page 85: The following information applies to the _DBSeek( ) function: The struct Value passed to _DBSeek( ) (via a pointer) must be of ev_type == 'N' when seeking a numeric field even if that field has 0 decimal digits. If the struct Value has an ev_type of 'I', _DBSeek( )will return the internal error number -302, "Data type mismatch."

Page 109: The struct EDENV documented with _EdGetEnv( ) isn't correct. The actual structure from PRO_EXT.H appears as follows:

NOTE: (R) indicates that this member is read-only and

       can't be set using _EdSetEnv( ).

       (B) indicates that these members takes on one of
       two Boolean values: 1 = true or 0 = false.

typedef struct {
   char            filename[MAXFILENAME]; // (R)
   EDPOS           length;       // # of bytes in text. (R)
   unsigned short  lenLimit;    // Max allowable length. 0 = infinite.

   unsigned short  dirty,        // Has the file been changed? (R, B)
                   autoIndent,   // Auto indent? (B)
                   backup,       // Make backup files? (B)
                   addLineFeeds, // Add line feeds when saving? (B)
                 autoCompile, // Shall we auto compile this thing? (B)
                   addCtrlZ,     // Add end of file ctrl-z? (B)
                   savePrefs,    // Save edit preferences? (B)
                   dragAndDrop,  // Allow drag-and-drop. (B)
                   readOnly,     // 0 = not r/o, 1 = file is r/o,
                                 // 2 = file is r/w, opened r/o,
                                 // 3 = file is r/o, opened r/o. (R)
                   status,       // Display status bar? (B)
                   lockPrefs,    // Can update the preferences ? (B)
                   insertMode;   // (B)

   short   wrap;       // If < 0, new line at Return only.
   EDPOS   selStart;   // Selection start. (R)
   EDPOS   selEnd;     // Selection end. (R)
   EDPOS   selAnchor;  // Selection anchor point. (R)
   short   justMode;   // Justification (0=left, 1=right, 2=center).
   short   tabWidth;   // TAB size in spaces.

   char    fontName[MAXFONTNAME];
   short   fontSize;
   short   fontStyle; // 0=plain, 1=bold, 2 = italic, 3 = bold italic.
   short   kind; // Kind of editor session; EDCOMMAND, EDPROGRAM, etc.
                 // defined in pro_ext.h. (R)

Page 122: The syntax for _EdOpenFile() is missing the "mode" argument. It should read:

   _EdOpenFile(TEXT *filename, int mode)

   TEXT *filename;      /* File to open. */ 
   int mode;            /* Mode option. */ 

The following Mode options are available: FO_READONLY, FO_WRITEONLY, FO_READWRITE.

Page 315: zoomEvent is a FoxPro for MS-DOS event. You can't trap for this event in FoxPro for Windows.

In an EventHandler in the FoxPro for Windows Library Construction Kit, if you make a call to FoxPro which generates another event, the original event record may be changed. This won't happen in the FoxPro for MS-DOS Library Construction Kit. The following example illustrates this:

#include <pro_ext.h>

int         g_eventid = 0;         // Our event handler.

FAR EventHandler(WHandle theWindow, EventRec FAR *ev) {
        Point     pt;
    switch (ev->what)              // Determine the event type.
        case keyDownEvent:
                        if (theWindow == _WMainWindow())
                                return NO;
                                pt.h = 35;
                                pt.v = 10;

                    // This causes the event handler to be re-entered.
                                _WSize(theWindow, pt);
                        _PutStr("\nDone with the keyDownEvent");

                case sizeEvent:
                        _PutStr("\nSize Event received.");

                        return NO;
        return NO;

FAR EventExit() {
    _DeActivateHandler(g_eventid);    // Get rid of our event handler.

FAR Quotes(ParamBlk FAR *parm) {
    //  Set up our event handler.
    g_eventid = _ActivateHandler(EventHandler);

FoxInfo myFoxInfo[] = {

    {"QUOTES", Quotes, 0, ""},
    {"EVENTEXIT", EventExit, CALLONUNLOAD, ""}

FoxTable _FoxTable = {

    (FoxTable FAR *)0, sizeof(myFoxInfo) / sizeof(FoxInfo), myFoxInfo

                      End of README.TXT

Additional reference words: FoxDos FoxWin 2.60 lck KBCategory: kbreadme KBSubcategory: FxotherReadme
Keywords          : kbsetup FxotherReadme 
Version           : 2.60 | 2.60
Platform          : MS-DOS WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998