ID: Q102732
2.50 2.50a WINDOWS
The information in this article applies to:
The procedure below tests for the establishment of a dynamic data exchange (DDE) link between Microsoft FoxPro for Windows and WordPerfect version 5.2 for Windows. In this scenario, FoxPro functions as a DDE server and WordPerfect functions as a DDE client.
1. Open a FoxPro for Windows session and issue the following command
to establish FoxPro as a DDE server:
DO c:\foxprow\sample\dde\
2. Switch to Program Manager and open a WordPerfect for Windows
3. Create a document with the following commands and save it
Application (WP;WPWP;Default;"WPWPUS.WCD")
// The following command would change to
// reflect the FoxPro table name used in the session
"c:\foxprow\sample\organize\dbfs\;TABLE personal" )
IF (handle = 0)
// Connection cannot be established
MESSAGE:="Cannot init conversation with FoxPro"
PROMPT("Error";"handle:"+Show+ " - " + Message;1;;)
// A DDE conversation has begun
MESSAGE:="Connection established!!!"
PROMPT("Success";"handle:"+Show+ " - " + Message;4;;)
4. Close the INIT.WPM file.
5. From the Macro menu, choose Play. Double-click the INIT.WPM file.
6. If a DDE session can be established, a dialog box will appear
with the message "Connection established!!!"
7. If a DDE session cannot be established, a dialog box will appear
with the message "Cannot init conversation with FoxPro."
WordPerfect is manufactured by WordPerfect Corporation, a vendor
independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise,
regarding this product's performance or reliability.
For more information on WordPerfect commands and macros, contact WordPerfect Corporation.
To obtain the phone number for WordPerfect Corporation, query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Microsoft Technical Support and WordPerfect and vendor and phone and
Additional reference words: FoxWin 2.50 2.50a
KBSubcategory: FxinteropDde
Keywords : kb3rdparty kbcode FxinteropDde
Version : 2.50 2.50a
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998