ID: Q114464
The information in this article applies to:
The Catalog Manager contains an AutoReport tool that creates and runs a report for the active table or query using the default settings of the Report Wizard. This tool is disabled if no table or query is in use.
To run the AutoReport tool, choose the AutoReport button (above the Program tab) in Catalog Manager, or choose AutoReport from the Tools menu.
Choosing the AutoReport tool brings the Report tab to the front. After the report is generated and compiled, it runs.
Setting Default value
Style Executive.
Selected Fields As many as will fit on the report.
Layout Horizontal.
Sort Order None.
Report Name First six characters of the table name, followed
by an underscore (_), then the number "1". (If
that table name already exists, the next
available number is used). For example, if the
table name is "CUSTOMER," the first report
created is "CUSTOM_1." The next report created is
"CUSTOM_2," and so forth.
Title Table name. The title appears at the top of the
NOTE: In FoxPro for Windows, reports created with the AutoReport tool can
later be modified using either the Report Wizard or the Report Writer tool.
In FoxPro for MS-DOS, they can only be modified using the Report Writer
Additional reference words: FoxDos FoxWin 2.60 catman icon auto-report KBCategory: kbtool kbprg KBSubcategory: FxtoolWizother
Last Reviewed: June 27, 1995