Descriptions and Availability of Wizards on Each Platform

ID: Q114356

2.60    | 2.60   | 2.50b

The information in this article applies to:


With the introduction of FoxPro version 2.5b for Macintosh, a number of wizards have been added to FoxPro. Wizards are programs that allow generic tasks to be completed quickly. The available wizards vary by platform.


The following chart details the wizards available on each platform. An asterisk (*) following the wizard name indicates that the wizard requires that the FoxPro Connectivity Kit be installed in order be available.

                     FoxPro         FoxPro            FoxPro
                     Version 2.6    Version 2.6       Version 2.5b
Wizard               for MS-DOS     for Windows       for Macintosh

Screen Wizard           X                X                X

Report Wizard           X                X                X
   Group/Total Report   X                X
   Multi-Column Report                   X

Label Wizard            X                X

Table Wizard            X                X

Query -
  SQL Query             X                X
  Updatable Query       X                X
  Client-Server*        X                X

Mail Merge Wizard       X                X

Descriptions of the Wizards

Screen Wizard:

The Screen Wizard creates a FoxPro screen you can use to view and modify the information in your tables. The screen includes a series of buttons for displaying, editing, and printing records. You can choose from three different styles of screens, and have your choice of buttons with text labels, such as "Next" or "Top," or buttons with pictures that represent each button's function.

Report Wizard:

The Report Wizard creates a report from a table, using a style, layout, and sort order that you select.

Group/Total Wizard:

The Group/Total Report Wizard creates a report that sorts records into up to three groupings, and optionally provides subtotals and totals for numeric fields.

Multi-Column Report Wizard:

The Multi-Column Report Wizard uses a table you specify to set up a report with one, two, or three columns of data per page. You can choose the report style and layout.

Label Wizard:

The Label Wizard sets up information in your tables to be printed out in label form. You can choose a variety of Avery label types in English or Metric label sizes.

Table Wizard:

The Table Wizard helps you set up a new Microsoft FoxPro table. Just choose the fields you want for your table from the sample tables provided. These samples are already set up with typical data types and field lengths: You can use them as they are, or rename them and change the data types and field lengths as needed.

Mail Merge Wizard:

Using a Microsoft FoxPro table, the Mail Merge Wizard creates a data source that your word processor can use in a mail merge. After completing the wizard, follow your word processor's steps for merging this data source with a main document such as a form letter, label, envelope, or catalog.

SQL Query Wizard:

The SQL Query Wizard searches one or more tables for records that match the criteria you specify. It creates a query file with a .QPR extension, the same type of query created when you use FoxPro's RQBE. FoxPro .QPR queries allow you to use aggregate functions (such as AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, or SUM) in your query. The query results are read-only; you can browse them or incorporate them into a report, but cannot update the records.

Updatable Query Wizard:

The Updatable Query Wizard searches one or more tables for records that match the criteria you specify. It creates an updatable query file with an .FPQ extension. When you run your query, you create a set of data which you can edit; changes you make to the records in the query results will be reflected in the tables the query is based upon.

Client-Server Query Wizard:

The Client-Server Query Wizard lets you connect to any ODBC data server and use a SQL query to retrieve data from it. It creates a query file with a .CSQ extension. Each time you run the query file, it will initiate a connection with the server and run the query. FoxPro .CSQ queries allow you to use aggregate functions (such as AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, or SUM) in your query where the ODBC source allows that capability. The resulting query is read-only; you can browse it or incorporate it into a report, but you cannot update the records. (ODBC is only used on the Windows platform. On the MS-DOS platform, FPSQL.PLB--provided with the FoxPro Connectivity Kit-- is used to connect directly to Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase.)

NOTE: The Client-Server Query Wizard is available only if you are using the Professional edition of Microsoft FoxPro version 2.6. Some back-end database servers do not support all the functionality available through the wizard, such as outer joins. Be sure to check to see if your ODBC driver supports the functions you request from the wizard.


For more information about wizards, see the "Installation and Macintosh Features Guide," or to the FoxPro version 2.6 for MS-DOS and FoxPro version 2.6 for Windows online Help files.

Additional reference words: FoxMac FoxDos FoxWin 2.50b 2.60 updateable KBCategory: kbtool kbprg KBSubcategory: FxtoolCk

Keywords          : kbenv FxtoolCk 
Version           : 2.60 | 2.60 | 2.50b
Platform          : MACINTOSH MS-DOS WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 13, 1998