ID: Q126274
The information in this article applies to:
The third paragraph of the SET DEVELOPMENT command in the Language Reference manual states that the most current version of the .PRG file will be run regardless of the setting of SET DEVELOPMENT. This is not correct.
SET DEVELOPMENT should be set ON if the latest version of a program is to be run. If it is set OFF, FoxPro will always run the earlier version of the program rather than the one that was changed. FoxPro runs the compiled code, which in the case of a program is an .FXP file. This file is created automatically when you run a .PRG file with SET DEVELOPMENT set ON. You can also create this file by choosing the Compile option from the Program menu pad or by using the COMPILE command.
This documentation error is also present in the help file that shipped with FoxPro version 2.6a for Windows.
Additional reference words: FoxWin docerr 2.60a hlp old KBCategory: kbenv kbdocerr KBSubcategory: FxenvGeneral
Last Reviewed: June 27, 1995