ERR: "String Too Long to Fit" with Menu Generator

ID: Q95677

The information in this article applies to:


The menu generator program displays the following error message:

   String too long to fit:
   Press any key to cleanup and exit.


If the prompt of a procedure contains more than 44 characters, GENMENU.PRG displays the "String too long to fit" message. The FoxPro limit is 254 characters in the prompt of a procedure; however, a maximum length of 44 characters has been set in GENMENU.PRG.


To work around this limitation, modify GENMENU.PRG so that the lines that read

   \\<<REPLICATE(" ",44-LEN(>><<m.g_verti2>>

are commented out.

CAUTION: Modifications to the GENMENU program are NOT supported. If you modify this program to run with your application, you do so at your own risk.

After you receive the "String too long to fit" error message, issue a CLOSE ALL command to close the program being generated.

This error message also appears with the GENSCRN.PRG file. Modifications to this file are also unsupported.

Additional reference words: MBuilder FoxDos FoxWin 2.00 2.50 2.50a errmsg err msg (1903) 1903 KBCategory: kbother kberrmsg KBSubcategory: FxtoolMBuilder

Last Reviewed: June 27, 1995