ID: Q120534
The information in this article applies to:
The error message "An Unexpected error occurred while trying to create tmp" will be generated when you are running FoxPro from a workstation installation that has read-only rights to the FoxPro directory on the network.
After FoxPro is started, the "Welcome to FoxPro" screen will be displayed. In that screen, if you select the "Don't Display Introductory Screen again" check box and then choose the "Proceed to the FoxPro menu system" button, the above error message will be displayed if the network directory where FoxPro is installed is shared as read-only.
There are two ways to resolve this problem:
Give the users full rights to the FoxPro directory on the network.
1. Create a CONFIG.FP (for FoxPro for MS-DOS) or CONFIG.FPW (for FoxPro fro
Windows) file, a local TEMP directory, and a local FoxPro directory. In
the configuration file, type the following lines:
2. Do one of the following:
a. For FoxPro for Windows, edit the properties of the FoxPro icon so
that the Command Line box reads as follows
<drive>:\<Fox_Dir>\Foxprow.exe -cC:\<Fox_Dir>\CONFIG.FPW
where <drive> is the network drive on which FoxPro is installed and
<Fox_Dir> is the name of the directory in which FoxPro is located.
b. For FoxPro for MS-DOS, add the following line to the AUTOEXEC.BAT
Additional reference words: FoxWin FoxDos errmsg splash 2.60 2.60a
KBCategory: kbenv kberrmsg kbnetwork
KBSubcategory: FxenvConfigfp
Last Reviewed: August 28, 1995