ID: Q96172
2.50 WINDOWS kbprg kbinterop kbole kbfasttip kbappnote
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Microsoft(R) Technical Support Application Note (Text File)
Revision Date: 10/93
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The following information applies to Microsoft FoxPro(R) version 2.5
for Windows(TM).
| ACCOMPANY THIS DOCUMENT (collectively referred to as an Application |
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| Copyright (C) 1993 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. |
| Microsoft, FoxPro, and MS-DOS are registered trademarks and Windows |
| is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. |
1. Q. The windows and controls created in FoxPro 2.5 for Windows look
different from those in FoxPro for MS-DOS. Why is this?
A. The windows and controls in FoxPro 2.5 for Windows look
different from those in FoxPro 2.5 for MS-DOS because FoxPro
for Windows was designed to conform to the Windows 3.1
interface guidelines for applications. These guidelines allow
Windows 3.1 users to use the same methods of moving, selecting,
and changing windows across all Windows-based applications.
FoxPro windows now include Control-menu boxes and Minimize,
Maximize, and Restore buttons. For a complete discussion of
window styles and terminology, consult the "Getting Started"
2. Q. What is the purpose of the window Control-menu box?
A. The Control-menu box provides a quick method for moving,
sizing, selecting, and switching windows. Clicking the Control-
menu box opens the menu with its list of tasks. Double-clicking
the Control-menu box closes the window.
3. Q. I have noticed that some windows can be resized and others
cannot. Why is this?
A. FoxPro for Windows contains both sizable and nonsizable
windows. Windows that contain a text-editing region are
sizable. Examples of sizable windows are the Command window,
the Screen Design window, and the Calendar window. These
windows contain scroll bars and a sizing box in the bottom-
right corner of the window. Examples of nonsizable windows
include the View window and the Relational Query By Example
(RQBE) window. Nonsizable windows use only the Control-menu box
and the Minimize button.
4. Q. The keyboard shortcuts in FoxPro for Windows have changed. Why
is this? Is there a way to restore the FoxPro for MS-DOS style
A. FoxPro for Windows uses the Windows-standard keystrokes (such
as ENTER to select a focused choice). FoxPro for Windows
supports both an MS-DOS keystroke mode and a Windows keystroke
mode. Refer to FoxPro's online help for details on differences
in the two keystroke modes. You chose at installation time
which mode to use; however, you can change the mode at any time
interactively in FoxPro by issuing one of the following
set keycomp to dos
set keycomp to windows
Each time you load FoxPro, the default KEYCOMP setting is
invoked. To permanently change the setting of KEYCOMP, change
the CONFIG.FPW file to include the appropriate statement:
5. Q. When I create a database and press the ENTER key to add a new
field, I find that the dialog box unexpectedly closes. Why is
A. The keystroke navigation is different between Windows and
MS-DOS. In FoxPro for MS-DOS, the keystroke equivalent of clicking
the focus button is CTRL+ENTER, whereas in Windows, it is the
ENTER key. Pressing the ENTER key in the Table Structure dialog
box tells FoxPro you have chosen the OK button. To restore the
MS-DOS keystroke mode in Windows, issue the command SET KEYCOMP
6. Q. The menu for FoxPro for Windows has changed. Why is this? Is
the MS-DOS version of the menu available?
A. The menu in FoxPro for Windows has been modified for
consistency with the Windows Interface Application Design
Specification. The System menu in the FoxPro 2.0 menu bar has
been removed, and a number of specific menu items have been
moved elsewhere. Take a moment to explore the new menu
structure and familiarize yourself with the changes. Note that
a brief message describing each menu item is displayed in the
status bar at the bottom of the main FoxPro window.
If you are more comfortable with the menu bar layout of FoxPro
2.0, we have provided a FoxPro menu program that recreates this
layout. This program is called DOS.MPR and is located in the
GOODIES subdirectory. Running this menu program replaces the
FoxPro for Windows-style menu bar with the FoxPro 2.0-style
menu bar layout while retaining the Text menu for multiple font
To automatically display the FoxPro 2.0 menu bar when FoxPro
for Windows is open, place the following command to execute the
DOS.MPR program in the CONFIG.FPW file:
command = do c:\foxprow\goodies\dos\dos.mpr
NOTE: Modify the complete path specification for DOS.MPR based
on your specific installation.
7. Q. The Edit menu contains a number of new commands, such as Paste
Special and Change Link. What are these options, and how are
they used?
A. These new Edit menu commands support object linking and
embedding (OLE). The options include: Paste Special, Insert
Object, Object, Change Link, and Convert To Static. For a
detailed discussion of OLE topics, consult the FoxPro
"Developer's Guide." For additional information on the new Edit
menu options, consult the FoxPro "User's Guide."
8. Q. The Program menu contains a new command called Beautify. What
does it do?
A. The Beautify command makes program files easier to read by
altering the appearance of the file. Options include altering
the case of keywords and variables, and adding additional
indentation within procedures and DO CASE statements. Action
diagram symbols can also be added to the .PRG file to highlight
program organization by bracketing specific control statements
such as:
DO [item]
DO [item]
9. Q. The Text menu is a new feature. What does it do?
A. The Text menu adds support for multiple fonts and text
formatting. The Font command on the Text menu makes all your
installed Windows fonts available in FoxPro.
NOTE: A font option is also available for Browse windows.
The Enlarge and Reduce Font commands change all text to the
next available point size in the currently selected font. To
alter the spacing of the current text file, select Single
Space, 1 1/2 Space, or Double Space.
The Indent command performs a block indent by automatically
moving a selected group of lines to the next tab stop. The
Undent command does the opposite by moving a selected group of
lines back to the previous tab stop.
10. Q. Occasionally an Object menu becomes visible. When is it
displayed and why?
A. The Object menu is available when either the Screen Builder or
the Report Writer window is open. As with the Text and Browse
menus, the Object menu has access to fonts. Specific commands
on the Object menu are enabled and disabled based on the
currently selected object.
For example, a rectangle drawn in the Screen Design window may
have an outline or pen color, a background or fill color, and a
fill pattern.
11. Q. FoxPro for Windows includes the Windows-style Help dialog box.
Is there any way to access the FoxPro 2.0-style help system?
A. By default, FoxPro for Windows uses the Windows-style Help
system. To access the FoxPro-2.0 style help system, enter the
following command in the Command window:
set help to foxhelp.dbf
Pressing F1 or choosing Help from the menu bar will bring up
the FoxPro 2.0-style help system.
To return to the Windows-style Help system, enter the following
command in the Command window:
set help to foxhelp.hlp
To permanently change the help system to the FoxPro 2.0 style,
add this statement to your CONFIG.FPW file:
Additional reference words: FoxWin 2.50 ivrfax fasttips
KBCategory: kbprg kbinterop kbole kbfasttip kbappnote
KBSubcategory: FxinteropOle
Keywords : FxinteropOle
Version : 2.50
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: December 13, 1996