File Extensions Used by Fox Database Products

ID: Q86907

2.00 2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.60 | 2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.60 | 2.50b

MS-DOS                     | WINDOWS               | MACINTOSH
kbref kbtool kbprg

The information in this article applies to:


The Microsoft Fox database products create and use files with many different extensions. The following is a list of the extensions assigned to these files. File extensions without any notation apply only to FoxPro. Files extensions with the FoxBASE+ notation apply only to FoxBASE+. One extension (.DBF) applies to both.


   File Extension       Description

   .ACT                 FoxDoc Action Diagrams
   .APP                 Generated application file
   .BAK                 Backup text or program file
   .CDX                 Compound index file -- contains multiple index
                        entries called "tags"
   .DBF                 Database file (FoxBASE+ or FoxPro)
   .DBT                 FoxBASE+ memo file
   .DOC                 FoxDoc report
   .ERR                 Compilation error file
   .EXE                 Executable program
   .FCT                 FoxPro Catalog memo file
   .FKY                 Macro file containing saved macro sets
   .FLL                 API file (FoxPro for Windows)
   .FMT                 Screen format files (FoxPro and FoxBASE+)
   .FOX                 FoxBASE compiled program file (FoxBASE+)
   .FPC                 FoxPro Catalog
   .FPT                 Memo file (FoxPro)
   .FPQ                 Wizard-generated Updatable Query
   .FRM                 Report format file (FoxBASE+)
   .FRT                 Memo file associated to a Report format (.FRX) file
   .FRX                 Report format file (FoxPro)
   .FXD                 FoxDoc supporting files
   .FXP                 FoxPro compiled program file
   .HLP                 FoxDoc Help file
   .IDX                 Single entry index file
   .INT                 Code page and collation sequence file
   .LBL                 Label definition file (FoxBASE+)
   .LBT                 Memo file for a label
   .LBX                 Label format file (FoxPro)
   .MEM                 Memory variable save files
   .MLB                 FoxPro for Macintosh (library file)
   .MNT                 Menu memo file
   .MNX                 Menu definition file
   .MPR                 Generated menu program
   .MPX                 Compiled menu program
   .MSG                 FoxDoc messages files
   .NDX                 dBASE index file format
   .PJT                 Memo file associated to a project (.PJX) file
   .PJX                 Project file -- a special database
   .PLB                 API routine library file (FoxPro for MS-DOS)
   .PRG                 Program file (FoxPro and FoxBASE+)
   .PRX                 Screen format file
   .QPR                 Generated query file
   .QPX                 Compiled query program
   .SCT                 Memo file associated with .SCX database
   .SCX                 Screen database file
   .SPR                 Generated screen program
   .SPX                 Compiled screen program
   .TBK                 Memo file backup
   .TMP                 Temporary file
   .TXT                 Text files
   .VUE                 View file from the FoxPro environment (FoxBASE+)
   .WIN                 Window file

Resource files:         FOXUSER.DBF, FOXUSER.FPT
Configuration files:    CONFIG.FP, CONFIG.FPW

For a list of the extensions used by Visual FoxPro for Windows, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q130686
   TITLE     : Visual FoxPro File Extensions and File Types


FoxPro for MS-DOS "Quick Reference" manual for version 2.0 FoxPro for MS-DOS "Update" manual for version 2.5 FoxPro for Windows "Developer's Guide" for version 2.5 FoxBASE+ for MS-DOS "User's Guide" for version 2.1

Additional reference words: FoxMac FoxDos FoxWin 2.00 2.10 2.50 2.50a 2.x plus ext 2.50b 2.60 KBCategory: kbref kbtool kbprg KBSubcategory: FxtoolFoxdoc

Keywords          : FxtoolFoxdoc 
Version           : 2.00 2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.60 | 2.5
Platform          : MACINTOSH MS-DOS WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: April 30, 1996