Files Needed When Building or Distributing Executables

ID: Q124266

The information in this article applies to:


The FoxPro for Macintosh Distribution Kit installs files for building Applications or Executables for both Power PC and 68000-series processors. You need to also install certain library files to build an application for distribution.


To build a Power PC executable or standard application, install the following FoxPro for Macintosh files:

To distribute a standard Power PC application, include FOXPPC26.ESL with the application. However, do not include this file with a stand-alone executable.

To build a 68000-series executable or standard application, install the following FoxPro for Macintosh files:

To distribute a standard 68000-series application, include FOXMAC26.ESL with the application. However, do not include this file with a stand-alone executable.

Additional reference words: FoxMac 2.60a support KBCategory: kbusage KBSubcategory:

Last Reviewed: May 23, 1996