ID: Q121088
2.60 | 2.60
kbother kbbuglist kbfixlist
The information in this article applies to:
Creating an AutoScreen in the Catalog Manager causes one of the following error messages to appear:
FoxPro for Windows
Invalid file descriptor.
FoxPro for MS-DOS
Variable not found.
After you choose Cancel in the dialog box displaying either of the error
messages listed above, the following error message is also displayed:
<filename>.spr not found or not a supported type
The table used by the AutoScreen tool contains a large number of fields with long names.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. This problem was corrected in FoxPro 2.6a for Windows and FoxPro 2.6a for MS-DOS.
The GENSCRN.PRG program, which is run by the AutoScreen utility, contains the following line:
SET FIELDS TO &mfieldsto
If the list of fields stored in MFIELDSTO is greater than approximately
2048 characters, the SET FIELDS command does not run properly.
1. Create a table with a large number of fields that have long names.
2. Start the Catalog Manager.
3. Select the Table tab, add the table, and then choose USE.
4. Choose the AutoScreen button (above the Label tab) in Catalog
When the AutoScreen tool is approximately one-third of the way finished
creating the screen, it stops, displaying the error messages described at
the beginning of this article.
Additional reference words: FoxDos FoxWin 2.60 2.60a buglist2.60 fixlist2.60a auto- screen power tool catman KBCategory: kbother kbbuglist kbfixlist KBSubcategory: FxtoolSbuilder
Keywords : FxtoolSbuilder kbbuglist kbfixlist
Version : 2.60 | 2.60
Solution Type : kbfix
Last Reviewed: October 22, 1997