ACC1x: RunSQL Action SQL Statement Limited to 255 CharactersID: Q115185
The SQL statement in a RunSQL action is limited to 255 characters. This article describes a sample user-defined function called RunSQL2() that you can use in place of the RunSQL action to run large SQL statements.
The RunSQL2() function creates a new query programmatically using the
CreateQueryDef method with the SQL statement you pass to it as an argument.
Once the query is created, it is run using the Execute method, and then
deleted using the DeleteQueryDef method.
This article assumes that you are familiar with Access Basic and with
creating Microsoft Access applications using the programming tools provided
with Microsoft Access. For more information on Access Basic, please refer
to the "Introduction to Programming" manual.
'Declarations section of the module.
Option Explicit
' Create the following function in the module.
Function RunSQL2(ByVal SQL As String)
Dim db As Database
Dim Q As QueryDef
Dim SQL As String
Set db = CurrentDB()
Set Q = db.CreateQueryDef("TempQuery", SQL)
End Function
Function CreateNewCustomersTable()
Dim SQL As String
SQL = "SELECT DISTINCTROW Customers.[Customer ID], "
SQL = SQL & "Customers.[Company Name], Customers.[Contact Name], "
SQL = SQL & "Customers.[Contact Title], Customers.Address, "
SQL = SQL & "Customers.City, Customers.Region, Customers.[Postal
Code], "
SQL = SQL & "Customers.Country, Customers.Phone, Customers.Fax "
SQL = SQL & "INTO [New Customers Table] FROM Customers "
RetVal = RunSQL2(SQL)
End Function
Keywords : kbprg
Version : 1.0 1.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: April 2, 1999