ACC1x: Sample Functions to Check User, Group Information (1.x)ID: Q123012
This article contains several sample user-defined functions. You can use
these functions to:
This article assumes that you are familiar with Access Basic and with
creating Microsoft Access applications using the programming tools provided
with Microsoft Access. For more information about Access Basic, please
refer to the "Introduction to Programming" manual.
The techniques described in this article rely on the use of system tables
stored with the SYSTEM.MDA file. These tables are undocumented and are
subject to change in future versions of Microsoft Access. Use of the system
tables is not supported by Microsoft.
You can use the following sample functions to return user and group
information in the current system database. By default, only members of
the Admins group have permission to read data from the MSysAccounts and
MSysGroups tables stored with the SYSTEM.MDA file. If your Microsoft Access
account is not a member of the Admins group, use of these functions may
cause errors. If this presents a problem, you may want to consider
upgrading to Microsoft Access version 2.0, where you can use data access
objects (DAO) to view user and group information.
'Declarations section of the module
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString% Lib "Kernel" (ByVal _
lpApplicationName$, ByVal lpKeyName$, ByVal lpDefault$, ByVal _
lpReturnedString$, ByVal nSize%, ByVal lpFileName$)
Function ListUsersInSystem ()
'Purpose: Lists users in the current system database.
'Accepts: No arguments.
'Returns: A list of users in the current system database.
'Assumes: The MSACCESS.INI file is located in the Windows path.
On Error GoTo err_ListUsersInSystem
Dim MyDB As Database, MySnap As Snapshot
Dim lpReturnedString$, nSize%, GetInfo%, SysDB$
lpReturnedString$ = Space$(255)
nSize% = Len(lpReturnedString$)
GetInfo% = GetPrivateProfileString("Options", "SystemDB", "", _
lpReturnedString$, nSize%, "MSACCESS.INI")
SysDB$ = lpReturnedString$
Set MyDB = OpenDatabase(SysDB$)
Set MySnap = MyDB.CreateSnapshot("MSysUserList")
Do Until MySnap.EOF
Debug.Print MySnap![Name]
Exit Function
If Err = 3112 Then
MsgBox UCase(User()) & " is not a member of the Admins Group", 16, _
Exit Function
MsgBox Err & ": " & Error
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Function ListGroupsInSystem ()
'Purpose: Lists groups in the current system database.
'Accepts: No arguments.
'Returns: A list of groups in the current system database.
'Assumes: The MSACCESS.INI file is located in the Windows path.
On Error GoTo err_ListGroupsInSystem
Dim MyDB As Database, MySnap As Snapshot
Dim lpReturnedString$, nSize%, GetInfo%, SysDB$
lpReturnedString$ = Space$(255)
nSize% = Len(lpReturnedString$)
GetInfo% = GetPrivateProfileString("Options", "SystemDB", "", _
lpReturnedString$, nSize%, "MSACCESS.INI")
SysDB$ = lpReturnedString$
Set MyDB = OpenDatabase(SysDB$)
Set MySnap = MyDB.CreateSnapshot("MSysGroupList")
Do Until MySnap.EOF
Debug.Print MySnap![Name]
Exit Function
If Err = 3112 Then
MsgBox UCase(User()) & " is not a member of the Admins Group", 16, _
Exit Function
MsgBox Err & ": " & Error
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Function ListUsersOfGroup (GroupName As String)
'Purpose: Lists the users belonging to a particular group.
'Accepts: The name of a group.
'Returns: A list of users for the specified group.
'Assumes: The MSACCESS.INI file is located in the Windows path.
' Also, the current user is a member of the Admins
' group.
Dim SQL_String As String, SysDB$
Dim lpReturnedString$, nSize%, GetInfo%
Dim MyDB As Database, MySnap As Snapshot
On Error GoTo err_ListUsersOfGroup
lpReturnedString$ = Space$(255)
nSize% = Len(lpReturnedString$)
GetInfo% = GetPrivateProfileString("Options", "SystemDB", "", _
lpReturnedString$, nSize%, "MSACCESS.INI")
SysDB$ = lpReturnedString$
Set MyDB = OpenDatabase(SysDB$)
SQL_String = "SELECT MSysAccounts.Name FROM MSysAccounts AS B, _
MSysGroups, MSysAccounts, "
SQL_String = SQL_String & "B INNER JOIN MSysGroups ON B.SID = _
MSysGroups.GroupSID, "
SQL_String = SQL_String & "MSysGroups INNER JOIN MSysAccounts ON_
MSysGroups.UserSID = MSysAccounts.SID "
SQL_String = SQL_String & "WHERE ((B.Name= '" & GroupName & "'));"
Set MySnap = MyDB.CreateSnapshot(SQL_String)
Do Until MySnap.EOF
Debug.Print MySnap.[Name]
Exit Function
If Err = 3021 Then
MsgBox UCase(GroupName) & " is not a valid group", 16, "Error"
Resume Next
ElseIf Err = 3112 Then
MsgBox UCase(User()) & " is not a member of the Admins Group", 16, _
Exit Function
MsgBox Err & ": " & Error
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Function ListGroupsOfUser (UserName As String)
'Purpose: Lists the groups to which a particular user belongs.
'Accepts: The name of a user.
'Returns: A list of groups for the specified user.
'Assumes: The MSACCESS.INI file is located in the Windows path.
On Error GoTo err_ListGroupsOfUser
Dim MyDB As Database, MyQueryDef As QueryDef, MySnap As Snapshot
Dim lpReturnedString$, nSize%, GetInfo%, SysDB$
lpReturnedString$ = Space$(255)
nSize% = Len(lpReturnedString$)
GetInfo% = GetPrivateProfileString("Options", "SystemDB", "", _
lpReturnedString$, nSize%, "MSACCESS.INI")
SysDB$ = lpReturnedString$
Set MyDB = OpenDatabase(SysDB$)
Set MyQueryDef = MyDB.OpenQueryDef("MSysUserMemberships")
MyQueryDef![UserName] = UserName
Set MySnap = MyQueryDef.CreateSnapshot()
Do Until MySnap.EOF
Debug.Print MySnap![Name]
Exit Function
If Err = 3021 Then
MsgBox UCase(UserName) & " is not a valid User Name!", 16, "Error"
Resume Next
ElseIf Err = 3112 Then
MsgBox UCase(User()) & " is not a member of the Admins Group", 16, _
Exit Function
MsgBox Err & ": " & Error
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Function CurrentUserInGroup (GroupName As String)
'Purpose: Determines if the current user is in a specified
' group.
'Accepts: The name of a group.
'Returns: True if the current user is a member of the specified
' group, False if the current user is not a member of
' the group.
'Assumes: The MSACCESS.INI file is located in the Windows path.
' Also, the current user is a member of the Admins
' group.
Dim SQL_String As String, SysDB$
Dim lpReturnedString$, nSize%, GetInfo%
Dim MyDB As Database, MySnap As Snapshot
CurrentUserInGroup = False
On Error GoTo err_CurrentUserInGroup
lpReturnedString$ = Space$(255)
nSize% = Len(lpReturnedString$)
GetInfo% = GetPrivateProfileString("Options", "SystemDB", "", _
lpReturnedString$, nSize%, "MSACCESS.INI")
SysDB$ = lpReturnedString$
Set MyDB = OpenDatabase(SysDB$)
SQL_String = "SELECT MSysAccounts.Name FROM MSysAccounts AS B, _
MSysGroups, MSysAccounts, "
SQL_String = SQL_String & "B INNER JOIN MSysGroups ON B.SID = _
MSysGroups.GroupSID, "
SQL_String = SQL_String & "MSysGroups INNER JOIN MSysAccounts ON _
MSysGroups.UserSID = MSysAccounts.SID "
SQL_String = SQL_String & "WHERE ((B.Name= '" & GroupName & "'));"
Set MySnap = MyDB.CreateSnapshot(SQL_String)
Do Until MySnap.EOF
If MySnap![Name] = User() Then
CurrentUserInGroup = True
GoSub err_Exit
End If
Exit Function
If Err = 3021 Then
MsgBox UCase(GroupName) & " is not a valid group", 16, "Error"
ElseIf Err = 3112 Then
MsgBox UCase(User()) & " is not a member of the Admins Group", 16, _
Exit Function
MsgBox Err & ": " & Error
Exit Function
End If
GoSub err_Exit
End Function
Microsoft Access "User's Guide," version 1.1, Chapter 25, "Administering a
Database System," pages 616-636
Microsoft Access "Introduction to Programming," version 1.1, Chapter 8,
"Manipulating Data," pages 124-127
Additional query words: security secure
Keywords : kbusage ScrtUsr
Version : 1.0 1.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: April 8, 1999