ID: Q115196
2.50b 2.50c MACINTOSH kbtool kbfixlist kbbuglist
The information in this article applies to:
A date field in a screen created by the Screen Wizard has character formatting instead of date formatting applied to it.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. This problem was corrected in Visual FoxPro 3.0b for Macintosh.
1. In the Command window, type the following:
CREATE TABLE test (testdate D)
INSERT INTO test (testdate) VALUES ({2/20/94})
2. From the Run menu, choose Wizards.
3. Under Select A Wizard, select Quick Screen, and then choose Next.
4. Choose Add to add the TESTDATE field to the screen, and then choose
5. Choose Add to set the order to the TESTDATE field, and then choose
6. Choose Next to accept the default screen style.
7. Choose the Design button in the last Quick Screen Wizard window.
8. Choose Save to save the form as TEST.SCX.
9. When the Screen Design window appears, double-click the GET field
10. In the Field dialog box, choose Format.
Note that the character radio button is selected.
Additional reference words: fixlist3.00b VFoxMac FoxMac 2.50b 2.50c buglist2.50b buglist2.50c KBCategory: kbtool kbfixlist kbbuglist KBSubcategory:
Keywords : kbenv kbbuglist kbfixlist
Version : 2.50b 2.50c
Platform : MACINTOSH
Solution Type : kbfix
Last Reviewed: May 13, 1998