ACC1x: TransferText Action Removes Spaces from Field NamesID: Q109734
The TransferText action removes embedded spaces from field names if the Has Field Names argument is set to Yes, and the Transfer Type argument is set to Delimited Text.
This problem no longer occurs in Microsoft Access version 2.0.
The Has Field Names argument indicates whether the table or query field
names should be included as the first row of the exported text file. When
set to Yes, the table or query field names will be exported to the text
file as the first row of the text file. Embedded spaces will be removed
from the field names in the first row of the exported text file.
Note that the Has Field Names argument does not apply if the Transfer Type
argument is set to Fixed-Width. When you use the Fixed-Width setting, the
field names are a part of the fixed-width import/export specification.
Macro Name Actions
Transfer Text Macro TransferText
TransferText Actions
Transfer Type: Export Delimited
Specification: <leave blank>
Table Name: Shippers
Has Field Names: Yes
For more information about the TransferText action, search for "TransferText" then "TransferText Action" using the Microsoft Access Help menu.
Keywords : kb3rdparty IsmTxtd
Version : 1.0 1.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: April 2, 1999