ACC2: "Invalid Entries in [Btrieve] Section..." Error MessageID: Q121650
Moderate: Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability skills.
When you try to attach a Btrieve table in Microsoft Access, you receive the
following error message:
Invalid entries in [Btrieve] section in WIN.INI
There are multiple Options lines in the [Btrieve] section of your WIN.INI file. The error message occurs even if one of the Options lines is correct.
Remove the duplicate Options lines from the [Btrieve] section of the
WIN.INI file. The [Btrieve] section of the WIN.INI file should look like
the following example:
Options=/m:64 /p:4096 /b:16 /f:20 /l:40 /n:12/t:C:\ACCESS\BTRIEVE.TRN
The [Btrieve] section of the WIN.INI file (for Btrieve version 5.1x) or
the NOVDB.INI file (for Btrieve version 6.x) includes settings used by all
Btrieve for Windows applications. The settings must be compatible with
all Btrieve for Windows applications.
If the WIN.INI file does not contain a [Btrieve] section, the section will
be added by the Setup program when you install Microsoft Access. If the
WIN.INI file does already contain a [Btrieve] section with an Options line,
Microsoft Access Setup will add a second options line beginning with
"access options." This line contains default settings and is harmless.
Third-party software products that use Btrieve files can also alter the
[Btrieve] section of the WIN.INI file. These products can add duplicate
Options lines to the [Btrieve] section of the WIN.INI file.
Options=/m:64 /p:1024 /f:16 /l:20
Options=/m:64 /p:4096 /b:16 /f:20 /l:40 /n:12/t:C:\ACCESS\_
For more information about using Btrieve with Microsoft Access, view the
following topics in the ACREADME.HLP file:
Additional query words: switches
Keywords : kb3rdparty kberrmsg IsmBtrv
Version : 2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: April 7, 1999