FoxPro Files That Can Be Deleted to Save Disk Space

ID: Q101881

2.00 2.50 2.50a | 2.50 2.50a

MS-DOS          | WINDOWS

The information in this article applies to:

Not all files placed on the hard disk during installation of FoxPro are absolutely required for operation of the product. FoxPro 2.0 and 2.5 for MS-DOS can be started with only two files: FOXPRO.EXE and FOXPRO.OVL. For the extended (32 bit) version, these two files can be replaced by only one, FOXPROX.EXE.

The minimum files needed to run FoxPro, use the menu and screen generators, and set printer drivers are listed below.

NOTE: Upon startup, FoxPro will create FOXUSER.DBF and FOXUSER.FPT files, and upon screen or menu generation, it will create the appropriate .FXP files.

Version 2.0

   Filename         Bytes      Comments

   GENMENU.PRG      54701
   GENPD.APP       297868
   GENSCRN.PRG     138868
   GENXTAB.PRG      26440      Only needed for cross tabulation.
   FOXSWAP.COM       5971      Only needed for standard version.
   PROAPI16.EXE     12090      Only needed for extended version.
   FOXPRO.EXE      368661
   FOXPRO.OVL     1289232

Versions 2.5 and 2.5a (MS-DOS)

   Filename         Bytes      Comments

   DRIVER2.PLB      13277
   FOXSWAP.COM       5971      Only needed for standard version.
   GENMENU.PRG      49909
   GENPD.APP       379036
   GENSCRN.PRG     277113
   GENXTAB.PRG      29217      Only needed for cross tabulation.
   PSAPI.PLB        24451
   TRANSPRT.PRG    334725      Only needed if you are converting
                               files from 2.0 or want to create
                               cross-platform applications.
   FOXPRO.EXE      385410
   FOXPRO.OVL     1389248

Versions 2.5 and 2.5a (Windows)

   Filename         Bytes      Comments

   FOXPROW.EXE    2427689
   TRANSPRT.PRG    334725      Only needed if you are converting
                               files from 2.0 or want to create
                               cross-platform applications.
   GENSCRN.PRG     277113
   GENPD.APP       379036
   FOXTOOLS.FLL     56720
   GENMENU.PRG      49909
   PSAPI.FLL        27668
   DRIVER2.FLL      16948
   GENXTAB.PRG      29217
   RESERVED.FLL     12424

Additional reference words: XPlatForm FoxWin FoxDos 2.00 2.50 disk space delete files minimal install KBCategory: kbref KBSubcategory: FxtoolTransprt
Keywords          : kbsetup FxtoolTransprt 
Version           : 2.00 2.50 2.50a | 2.50 2.50a
Platform          : MS-DOS WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998