FoxPro for UNIX Keystroke Equivalents for Terminals

ID: Q120950

The information in this article applies to:


When a terminal cannot use the normal FoxPro navigation keys, you must use the keystroke equivalents. These equivalents are listed below.


Consult the following section if you experience problems with any of these keys, or if ?SYS(32) returns OFF:

If the serial terminal cannot be set to go into scan-code mode, you can overcome its keyboard restrictions with the keystroke equivalents in FoxPro. For each unreliable keystroke, FoxPro provides a key sequence that will work on any serial terminal.

To simulate pressing the SHIFT key by itself (as used in text selection, for example), press CTRL+P. To FoxPro, this action is equivalent to holding down the SHIFT key on the console.

To simulate releasing the SHIFT key, either press CTRL+P again or press any other sequence to complete the action on the selected text (such as the sequences for cutting or copying).

To simulate a lead-in to all other unreliable key sequences, press CTRL+Y. In general, you will press CTRL+Y, release both keys, and press another single character. For example, CTRL+Y followed by the number 3 simulates F3.

Keystroke Equivalents Table

All keystrokes used commonly in FoxPro are summarized in the table that follows. There are three columns: "Action," a description of the action that FoxPro takes; "Console," the key sequence that produces that action on the console (and on serial terminals that are capable of emitting the sequence); and "Terminal," the alternate key sequence that can be used on any ASCII terminal.

Action                             Console              Terminal

Browse Window

Change active partition            CTRL+H               CTRL+Y, H
Append a blank record              CTRL+N               CTRL+N
Toggle record delete               CTRL+T               CTRL+T
Edit Memo                          CTRL+PAGE DOWN       CTRL+Y,PAGE DOWN

Dialog Boxes

Select default text button         CTRL+ENTER           CTRL+W or CTRL+J

Expression Builder

Choose database popup              CTRL+B               CTRL+B
Display date functions             CTRL+D               CTRL+D
Verify expression                  CTRL+E               CTRL+E
Choose fields list                 CTRL+F               CTRL+F
Display logical functions          CTRL+L               CTRL+L
Display math functions             CTRL+M               CTRL+Y, M
Choose variables list              CTRL+R               CTRL+R
Display string functions           CTRL+S               CTRL+S


Tag all files or directories       CTRL+A               CTRL+A
Copy tagged files or directories   CTRL+C               CTRL+C
Delete tagged files or directories CTRL+D               CTRL+D
Edit tagged files                  CTRL+E               CTRL+E
Find text in tagged files          CTRL+F               CTRL+F
Change current directory           CTRL+H               CTRL+H
Make a subdirectory                CTRL+K               CTRL+K
Display file tree panel            CTRL+L               CTRL+L
Untag all files or directories     CTRL+N               CTRL+N
Move tagged files or directories   CTRL+O               CTRL+O
Rename tagged files or directories CTRL+R               CTRL+R
Change tagged file's attributes    CTRL+T               CTRL+T
Invert file or directory's tags    CTRL+V               CTRL+V
Tag multiple files                 SHIFT+SPACEBAR       CTRL+P, SPACEBAR


Escape (abort current action)      CTRL+Q               CTRL+Q
Exit and save                      CTRL+W               CTRL+W
Exit without saving                ESC                  ESC
HELP                               F1                   CTRL+Y, 1
SET                                F2                   CTRL+Y, 2
LIST                               F3                   CTRL+Y, 3
DIR                                F4                   CTRL+Y, 4
DISPLAY STRUCTURE                  F5                   CTRL+Y, 5
DISPLAY STATUS                     F6                   CTRL+Y, 6
DISPLAY MEMORY                     F7                   CTRL+Y, 7
DISPLAY                            F8                   CTRL+Y, 8
APPEND                             F9                   CTRL+Y, 9
ALT; activate/deactivate system    F10                  CTRL+Y, 0
Activate/deactivate system         ALT                  CTRL+Y, 0

Keyboard Macros

Clear all current macros           CTRL+A               CTRL+A
Clear selected macros              CTRL+C               CTRL+C
Make macro set the default         CTRL+D               CTRL+D
Edit an existing macro             CTRL+E               CTRL+E
Record a macro                     CTRL+M               CTRL+Y, M
Create new macro                   CTRL+N               CTRL+N
Restore a set of macros            CTRL+R               CTRL+R
Save current macros                CTRL+S               CTRL+S
Short cut to create macros         SHIFT+F10            CTRL+P, CTRL+Y, 0

Label Designer

Create an expression               CTRL+E               CTRL+E
Preview the labels                 CTRL+I               CTRL+Y, I
Specify label size                 CTRL+L               CTRL+L
Save label environment             CTRL+N               CTRL+N
Specify style for label            CTRL+Y               CTRL+Y

Menu Builder

Delete an item                     CTRL+E               CTRL+E
Insert a menu item                 CTRL+I               CTRL+Y, I

Program Execution

Execute a program                  CTRL+D               CTRL+D
Resume program execution           CTRL+M               CTRL+Y, M

Project Manager

Add file to project                CTRL+A               CTRL+A
Build the project                  CTRL+B               CTRL+B
Exclude a project file             CTRL+C               CTRL+C
Edit a project                     CTRL+E               CTRL+E
Display information for project    CTRL+I               CTRL+Y, I
Display project information        CTRL+J               CTRL+J
Display Build Option dialog box    CTRL+O               CTRL+O
Show project errors                CTRL+S               CTRL+S
Remove file from project           CTRL+V               CTRL+V

Record Search

Continue finding a record          CTRL+K               CTRL+K

Report Writer

Create a box                       CTRL+B               CTRL+B
Add a field                        CTRL+F               CTRL+F
Bring object to front              CTRL+G               CTRL+G
Preview report                     CTRL+I               CTRL+Y, I
Move object to back                CTRL+J               CTRL+J
Add a line                         CTRL+N               CTRL+N
Remove a line                      CTRL+O               CTRL+O
Add text                           CTRL+T               CTRL+T
Resize object                      CTRL+SPACEBAR        CTRL+Y, SPACEBAR
Select multiple objects            SHIFT+SPACEBAR       CTRL+P, SPACEBAR


Execute the query                  CTRL+Q               CTRL+Q
Show SELECT command                CTRL+S               CTRL+S

Screen Builder

Create a box                       CTRL+B               CTRL+B
Add a field                        CTRL+F               CTRL+F
Bring an object to front           CTRL+G               CTRL+G
Create push buttons                CTRL+H               CTRL+H
Create invisible buttons           CTRL+I               CTRL+Y, I
Move an object to back             CTRL+J               CTRL+J
Create a check box                 CTRL+K               CTRL+K
Create a list                      CTRL+L               CTRL+L
Create radio buttons               CTRL+N               CTRL+N
Create a popup                     CTRL+O               CTRL+O
Open all snippets                  CTRL+S               CTRL+S
Add text                           CTRL+T               CTRL+T
Resize object                      CTRL+SPACEBAR        CTRL+Y, SPACEBAR

Text Editing

Select all text                    CTRL+A               CTRL+A
Copy selected text                 CTRL+C               CTRL+C
Replace and find again             CTRL+E               CTRL+E
Display Find dialog box            CTRL+F               CTRL+F
Find again                         CTRL+G               CTRL+G
Redo text-editing action           CTRL+R               CTRL+R
Undo text-editing action           CTRL+U               CTRL+U
Paste copied text                  CTRL+V               CTRL+V
Cut selected text                  CTRL+X               CTRL+X
Move cursor to right               RIGHT ARROW          RIGHT ARROW
Move cursor to left                LEFT ARROW           LEFT ARROW
Move cursor up one line            UP ARROW             UP ARROW
Move cursor down one line          DOWN ARROW           DOWN ARROW
Move cursor up one window          PAGE UP              CTRL+Y, R
Move cursor down one window        PAGE DOWN            CTRL+Y, C
Move cursor to start line          HOME                 CTRL+Y, S
Move cursor to end line            END                  CTRL+Y, D
Move cursor one word right         CTRL+RIGHT           CTRL+Y, F
Move cursor one word left          CTRL+LEFT            CTRL+Y, A
Move cursor to start file          CTRL+HOME            CTRL+Y, B
Move cursor to end of file         CTRL+END             CTRL+Y, E
Select one character left          SHIFT+LEFT           CTRL+P, LEFT ARROW
Selects one character right        SHIFT+RIGHT          CTRL+P, RIGHT ARROW
Selects one line up                SHIFT+UP             CTRL+P, UP ARROW
Selects one line down              SHIFT+DOWN           CTRL+P, DOWN ARROW
Selects to start of word           SHIFT+CTRL+LEFT      CTRL+P, CTRL+Y, F
Selects to end of word             SHIFT+CTRL+RIGHT     CTRL+P, CTRL+Y, A
Selects to start of file           SHIFT+CTRL+HOME      CTRL+P, CTRL+Y, E
Selects to end of text             SHIFT+CTRL+END       CTRL+P, CTRL+Y, B

Trace Window

Clear program breakpoints          CTRL+B               CTRL+B
Open a program                     CTRL+E               CTRL+E
Toggle line numbers on/off         CTRL+L               CTRL+L
Specify program speed              CTRL+R               CTRL+R

Window Manipulation

Cycle between open windows         CTRL+F1              CTRL+Y, O
Bring Command window up            CTRL+F2              CTRL+Y, N
Move current window                CTRL+F7              CTRL+Y, V
Size current window                CTRL+F8              CTRL+Y, W
Zoom window to minimum             CTRL+F9              CTRL+Y, L
Zoom window to maximum             CTRL+F10             CTRL+Y, U
Hide all windows                   CTRL+ALT+SHIFT       CTRL+Y, X


FoxPro for UNIX "Installation and Configuration Guide"

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Additional reference words: FoxUnix 2.60 keystroke equivalent scan-code KBCategory: kbui kbenv KBSubcategory:

Last Reviewed: August 28, 1995