FoxTalk Magazine Articles January 1996

ID: Q152242

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Below is the table of contents of the January 1996 FoxTalk, a magazine published by Pinnacle Publishing, Inc., 18000 72nd Avenue South, Suite 217, Kent, WA 98032. For more information, please call Pinnacle Publishing at 800-788-1900. You may also contact by Fax at (206)251-5057; CompuServe at 72600,140; Internet e-mail at; or web site at


Extend the Visual FoxPro Class Browser with Add-Ins, page 1. Ken Levy. Registering, running, unregistering, creating custom add-ins. Changing class browser behavior with add-ins.

README.1ST, page 2.

Sidebar: Class Browser Basics, page 4. Class browser user interface; using Class Browser with Class Designer and Form Designer.

FoxTip!: Set Focus to a Control When a Record is Added, page 6. William O'Conner.

Liven Up Your Applications with 3-D Graphical/Test Push Buttons, page 7. Paul Emery. Combine text and graphics on same control. Achieve the effect, already available in Visual FoxPro 3.x with FoxPro for Windows 2.x. Does not apply to FoxPro for the Unix and Macintosh platforms. Use a GENSCRNX directive to override the image definition of the @ ... GET command and load multiple images for a single button.

Subclassing Visual FoxPro Base Classes, page 9. Richard A. Schummer. Suggests that developers not use Microsoft base classes, but instead subclass the base classes and use the subclasses in applications. How to subclass base classes; how to use and modify personalized base classes. Drag and drop is lost. Standard name prefixes.

Client/Server Focus: The Tracks of My Tiers, page 12. Richard A. Schummer. What is three-tier architecture, what?s it good for, how do you implement it in Visual FoxPro?

FoxTip!: Get Object References by Location, page 13. Ken Levy. SYS(1270).

Do You Know Who Your Parents Are?, page 14. Barbara Peisch. Designing and using visual classes in the Class Designer and Form Designer. Creating a global standard class library off the Microsoft base classes. Workarounds and strategy for using personalized base classes.

Dr. FoxPro's Answer Clinic, page 17. John V. Petersen. Ignore deleted records, set form template defaults, modal forms.

FoxTip!: Avoid Two-Dimensional Arrays, page 18. Barry Chertov. Use a cursor instead of AELEMENT(), ASCAN, #DEFINE.

A Glossary of Object-Oriented Terminology for FoxPro Developers, page 19. Ken Levy. Relates object-oriented terminology to its implementation in Visual FoxPro.

Save Space in Memo Fields, page 21. Bob Grommes. How block sizes affect memo field size and fragmentation in 2.x and 3.x. SET BLOCKSIZE TO.

Cool Tool: Ease Form Design Tasks with SUPERCLASS, page 24. Whil Hentzen. Ken Levy?s public domain SUPERCLASS utility for Visual FoxPro. Utility enables you to view and edit the methods of an object's superclass. Avoid the error message "Cannot modify a class that is in use."

Non-Tabbed Pages: An Alternative to the Tabbed Interface, page 26. Paul Russell. Use push buttons instead of tabs. For FoxPro for Windows and FoxPro for the Macintosh 2.x. Allows the user to select any one sub-screen directly, displays a visible indicator of which subscreen is active, user can navigate through screens.

Sidebar: Refreshing @..SAY objects, page 29. In a form, if a #NOREAD clause is used, no READ is generated, no READ SHOW, no READ WHEN. This causes problems with refreshing screen objects. Workarounds provided.

The Cutting Edge: A New Year?s Resolution, page 31. Les Pinter.

Fox World News, page 32. New version of FoxFire! Report Writer for Visual FoxPro 3.0. Strategic Edge ships Query Maker, a distributable RQBE and report writer for Visual FoxPro 3.0.

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Platform          : MACINTOSH MS-DOS WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: November 5, 1998