ID: Q104257
The information in this article applies to:
Page U11-85 of the FoxPro 2.5 for Windows "User's Guide" incorrectly documents the existence of an Auto Lock Current Record check box under the Generated Code Options area of the Generate Screen dialog box. It also does not mention the Border For GETS check box. However, the online Help file correctly documents these options.
READ NOLOCK is referred to as "Auto Lock Current Record" in the "User's Guide." If "READ NOLOCK" is substituted wherever "Auto Lock Current Record" appears, the manual will be correct.
The Border For GETS check box is not documented in the manual, but the online Help file explains that this option puts a box outline around input fields in a generated screen. This option is selected by default.
Additional reference words: FoxWin 2.50 2.50a docerr KBCategory: kbprg kbdocerr KBSubcategory: FxprgGeneral
Last Reviewed: June 27, 1995