ACC2: Attach Tables on a CD-ROM or Write-Protected MediaID: Q151571
Novice: Requires knowledge of the user interface on single-user computers.
When you try to attach a table from a database on a read-only drive,
a write protected diskette, or a CD-ROM in Microsoft Access version 2.0,
you may receive the following error message:
Couldn't lock file; SHARE.EXE hasn't been loaded
The database file's read-only attribute is set to False.
Set the read-only attribute of the database file (.mdb) before copying the file to the CD-ROM or diskette. Also, do not include the database's .ldb file. For example, if your database is named Myapp.mdb, do not include Myapp.ldb on the CD-ROM or diskette. Include only Myapp.mdb on the CD-ROM or diskette.
For more information about read-only databases and .ldb files, please see
the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q151542 ACC: Link Tables on a CD-ROM or Write-Protected Media
Q88649 ACC: Opening Databases As Read-Only Causes Error Message
Q116387 ACC: "Couldn't lock file; SHARE.EXE hasn't been loaded"
Q109957 ACC: Introduction to .LDB Files (1.x, 2.0)
Additional query words: cdrom disk network
Keywords : kberrmsg kbinterop IsmIea
Version : 2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: April 27, 1999