ACC2: Btrieve File Owner Names, Passwords, and SecurityID: Q115917
Moderate: Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability skills.
Btrieve files have owner names embedded in them. These owner names can be
used as passwords, but many applications that use Btrieve use other
passwords to control user access.
Owner names are frequently set to read-only access. As a result, you can
get the error message "Drive or network error" when you attempt to update
the database file. If the owner name allows read-only access, Microsoft
Access does not prompt you for a password until you attempt to update the
The DDFPassword line in the [Btrieve ISAM] section of the MSACC20.INI file
can be used to set the owner name of .DDF files, but cannot be used to set
the owner names of other Btrieve files. The owner names of other Btrieve
files can be set programmatically when they are attached to Microsoft
Only the user who created the Btrieve files and originally set the owner
name can provide the owner name to you. It may be necessary for you to
contact the original file creator to obtain the owner name, or have the
files' creator provide files that do not have owner names embedded in them.
Btrieve database files contain only data. They do not contain other
database information (unlike Microsoft Access database files, which do
contain other information or objects). Each Btrieve file contains only one
table. You must use a separate application to access the data contained in
a Btrieve database file, and this application must also provide all
security control. When attached to a Microsoft Access database, each
Btrieve file is considered a separate table.
Applications that use Btrieve files can either use a password to control
entry to the application (possibly including multiple levels of user
permissions), or use file owner names.
File owner names are both embedded in the database file and hard-coded in
the application using that file. Since an application may draw information
from numerous Btrieve files, and each file can have a unique owner name,
the owner name for each file is generally hard-coded in the application.
When the application opens a Btrieve database file, the Btrieve database
engine compares the database file's embedded owner name with the owner name
sent by the application to determine user permissions.
There is no connection between an application's password and the embedded
file owner name. You may have an application password that allows you full
file-access permissions. This does not mean that you can directly access
the files without the application, since the owner name hard-coded in the
application is different than your application password.
Owner names assigned to Btrieve files can have one of four security
Sub TablePwd ()
Dim MyDB As Database, MyTD As TableDef
Set MyDB = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
Set MyTD = MyDB.CreateTableDef("MYFILE")
MyTD.connect = "btrieve;PWD=OwnrNm;Database=C:\MYDIR\FILE.DDF"
MyTD.sourcetablename = "MYFILE"
MyDB.tabledefs.Append MyTD
End Sub
Additional query words: attaching odbc vbwin
Keywords : kb3rdparty kberrmsg IsmBtrv
Version : 2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: April 3, 1999