How to Append Records from Any Delimited File with Memo DataLast reviewed: March 20, 1998Article ID: Q140294 |
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SUMMARYThis article shows by example how to append records from any delimited ASCII text file into a predefined FoxPro table or .dbf file. The intent of the program listed in this article is twofold. The first is to address the inability of the APPEND command to read data into a memo field. The second is to provide a wider range of support for source file formats that the APPEND command does not support.
MORE INFORMATIONHere's an excerpt from the Visual FoxPro APPEND FROM Help Topic:
A delimited file is an ASCII text file in which each record ends with a carriage return and linefeed. Field contents are by default assumed to be separated from each other by commas, and character field values to be additionally delimited by double quotation marks."The program listed in this article does not require linefeeds after the carriage return, nor does it require that character data be delimited by double quotation marks. Also, files do not have to be terminated with an end-of-file marker (^Z), but the program will work fine if the end-of-file marker is present. This flexibility is necessary because many applications do not export their data in a format suitable for FoxPro's APPEND FROM command. Numeric, Float, Double, Integer, Currency, Date, and Memo fields from delimited files can be imported if the data is in proper format. The date format defaults to mm/dd/yy. Including the century portion of a date is optional. FoxPro will import a date, such as 12/25/95, that doesn't include the century assuming the date is in the twentieth century. Date delimiters can be any non-numeric character except the delimiter that separates the fields in the delimited file. Dates in other formats can be imported if their format matches a date format available in SET DATE. To import dates that are not in the default format, issue SET DATE with the proper date format before using the program listed in this article (Appendm.prg). To test if a date format can be successfully imported, use it with CTOD(). If the date is acceptable to CTOD(), the date will import properly. Character strings with a length in excess of 10,000 characters have been tested and work fine when imported into a memo field. NOTE: Do not use a delimiting character that appears in the actual data.
Sample Code******************************************************************* * * Appendm.prg * * Purpose: * * Append records from any delimited ASCII text file into a * predefined FoxPro table or .dbf file. The intent of this program * is twofold. The first is to address the inability of the * APPEND command to read in data into a memo field. The second * is to provide a wider range of support for source file formats. * * Syntax: * * DO AppendM [WITH <expC1>, <expC2>[, <expC3>[, <expC4>]]] * * Parameters: * * <expC1> * * Specify the full name of the ASCII text file to append from * with extension. If this parameter is used, then <expC2> and * optionally <expC3> must be specified also. If this parameter * is not specified, the user will be prompted for the file. * * <expC2> * * Specify the field-delimiting character. This parameter must * be used if <expC1> is specified. If <expC1> is not specified, * this parameter is ignored. * * Samples: ',' = COMMA * CHR(9) = TAB ** <expC3> * * Specify the character field delimiting character. Use the * null string ("") for none. This parameter is optional if * <expC1> is specified. If <expC1> is not specified, this * parameter is ignored. * * <expC4> * * Specify the name of the table or .dbf file to append to. If the * extension is not specified, .dbf is assumed. If a table or .dbf * file is open in the current work area, this parameter will be * ignored and the open table will be used. * * Examples: * * For full prompting: * * DO AppendM * * For a source file with comma-delimited fields and double-quotation- * mark delimited character fields: * * DO AppendM WITH 'SRCFILE.TXT', ',', '"' * * For a source file with tab-delimited fields and no character * field delimiter: * * DO AppendM WITH 'SRCFILE.TXT', CHR(9) * * For a source file with comma-delimited fields and double-quotation- * mark delimited character fields with the current work area unused: * * DO AppendM WITH 'SRCFILE.TXT', ',', '"', 'DESTFILE.DBF' * * Notes: * * Before using this program, ensure that the target table or * .dbf file is structured to accept the data from the source * file, and ensure that the source file is in ASCII file format. * * Each record in the source file must be terminated with a * carriage return (CR). Linefeeds (LF) following a CR are * also supported. The program will address text files with * any field delimiters. Character data fields may optionally be * delimited. An end-of-file marker (^Z) is supported but not * required. * ******************************************************************* PARAMETERS cTextFile, cFieldDelim, cChrFldDelim, cTableFile IF TYPE( "cTextFile" ) = 'L' cTextFile = ''ENDIF IF TYPE( "cFieldDelim" ) = 'L' cFieldDelim = ''ENDIF IF TYPE( "cChrFldDelim" ) = 'L' cChrFldDelim = ''ENDIF IF TYPE( "cTableFile" ) = 'L' cTableFile = ''ENDIF * * Attempt to get and/or open the table or .dbf file * If successful, continue; otherwise, Return * IF USED() cDBF_File = ALIAS()ELSE IF EMPTY( cTableFile ) cDBF_File = GETFILE( 'DBF', 'Append to:') ELSE IF !FILE( cTableFile ) AND !FILE( cTableFile + '.DBF' ) cDBF_File = GETFILE( 'DBF', 'Append to:') ELSE cDBF_File = cTableFile ENDIF ENDIF IF !EMPTY( cDBF_File ) USE (cDBF_File) ELSE ?? CHR(7) WAIT WINDOW "No Table/DBF Selected to Append To!" RETURN ENDIFENDIF * * Attempt to get ASCII text file * If successful, continue; otherwise, Return * IF EMPTY( cTextFile ) cTXT_File = GETFILE( 'TXT', 'Source:')ELSE IF !FILE( cTextFile ) cTXT_File = GETFILE( 'TXT', 'Source:') ELSE cTXT_File = cTextFile ENDIFENDIF IF EMPTY( cTXT_File ) ?? CHR(7) WAIT WINDOW "No Text File Selected to Append From!" RETURNENDIF * * Verify Delimiting Characters. If successful, * continue; otherwise, Return * IF EMPTY( cTextFile ) DEFINE WINDOW wGetDelims ; FROM 1,1 TO 15,60 ; TITLE "Delimiters" ; NOCLOSE NOFLOAT NOGROW NOMDI NOMINIMIZE NOSHADOW NOZOOM MOVE WINDOW wGetDelims CENTER ACTIVATE WINDOW wGetDelims NOSHOW CLEAR @3,10 SAY "Press the Field Delimiting Character" @5,10 SAY "ie.. COMMA = <,> or TAB = <TAB KEY>" @7,29 say "" COLOR I ACTIVATE WINDOW wGetDelims nFieldDelim = INKEY(0,'S') IF nFieldDelim = 9 or nFieldDelim > 32 and nFieldDelim < 127 cFieldDelim = CHR( nFieldDelim ) ENDIF @3,5 SAY "Press the Character Field Delimiting Character" @5,6 SAY "Typically DOUBLE-QUOTE, Press ENTER for None" @7,29 say "" COLOR I nChrFldDelim = INKEY(0,'S') CLEAR IF nChrFldDelim > 32 and nChrFldDelim < 127 cChrFldDelim =CHR( nChrFldDelim ) ELSE cChrFldDelim = "" && No delimiter ENDIF DEACTIVATE WINDOW wGetDelims NOSHOW RELEASE WINDOW wGetDelimsENDIF IF LEN( cFieldDelim ) = 0 ?? CHR(7) WAIT WINDOW "No Field Delimiting character Specified!" RETURNENDIF * * Attempt to open text file with low-level handle. * If the test is successful, continue; otherwise, * report reason for failure. * nFileHandle = FOPEN( cTXT_File ) IF nFileHandle < 0 DO ErrHand WITH FERROR(), cTXT_File RETURN .F.ENDIF * * Create an array of database structure. * Determine number of records in array for * loop counting. * =AFIELDS( aStructure ) nRows = ALEN( aStructure, 1 ) * * Begin DO WHILE loop and continue until end of * file marker is reached in text file. * nFileSize = FSEEK( nFileHandle, 0, 2 ) = FSEEK( nFileHandle, 0, 0 ) nBytesRead = 0 RecsApnd = 0 lChrFldDelimFlag = LEN(cChrFldDelim ) # 0 WAIT WINDOW ' Records Appended: ' + LTRIM( STR( RecsApnd )) + ; CHR(13) + ' Percent Completed: ' + ; LTRIM( STR( nBytesRead/nFileSize*100)) NOWAITDO WHILE !FEOF( nFileHandle ) APPEND BLANK FOR i = 1 TO nRows cFieldData = ReadField( cFieldDelim, cChrFldDelim ) DO CASE CASE aStructure[i,2] $ "NY" REPLACE &aStructure[i,1] WITH VAL( cFieldData ) CASE aStructure[i,2] = "D" REPLACE &aStructure[i,1] WITH CTOD( cFieldData ) OTHERWISE REPLACE &aStructure[i,1] WITH cFieldData ENDCASE WAIT WINDOW ' Records Appended: ' + LTRIM( STR( RecsApnd )) + ; CHR(13) + ' Percent Completed: ' +; LTRIM( STR( nBytesRead/nFileSize*100 )) NOWAIT ENDFOR RecsApnd = RecsApnd + 1ENDDO =FCLOSE( nFileHandle ) WAIT WINDOW ' Records Appended: ' + LTRIM( STR( RecsApnd )) + ; CHR(13) + ' Percent Completed: ' + ; LTRIM( STR( nBytesRead/nFileSize*100)) NOWAITRETURN FUNCTION ReadField PARAMETER cFieldDelim, cChrFldDelim cAccumText = "" lFldDelimFlag = .F. DO WHILE !lFldDelimFlag AND !FEOF( nFileHandle ) cSingle = FREAD( nFileHandle, 1 ) nBytesRead = nBytesRead + 1 IF cSingle = cFieldDelim OR cSingle = CHR(13) OR ; IIF( lChrFldDelimFlag, cSingle = cChrFldDelim, .F. ) IF cSingle = CHR(13) cSingle = FREAD( nFileHandle, 1 ) nBytesRead = nBytesRead + 1 IF cSingle = CHR(10) cSingle = FREAD( nFileHandle, 1 ) nBytesRead = nBytesRead + 1 IF !(cSingle = CHR(26) OR ASC(cSingle) = 0) =FSEEK( nFileHandle, -1, 1 ) nBytesRead = nBytesRead - 1 ENDIF ELSE IF !(cSingle = CHR(26) OR ASC(cSingle) = 0) =FSEEK( nFileHandle, -1, 1 ) nBytesRead = nBytesRead - 1 ENDIF ENDIF lFldDelimFlag = .T. ENDIF IF cSingle = cFieldDelim lFldDelimFlag = .T. ENDIF cSingle = "" ELSE cAccumText = cAccumText + cSingle ENDIFENDDO RETURN cAccumText PROCEDURE ErrHand PARAMETERS nError, cFileName DO CASE CASE nError = 2 cReason = "File not found: " + cFileNameCASE nError = 4 cReason = "Unable to open ' + cFileName + '. Too many files open"CASE nError = 5 cReason = "File access denied: " + cFileNameCASE nError = 6 cReason = "Error: Invalid file handle given"CASE nError = 8 cReason = "Error: Out of memory"CASE nError = 25 cReason = "Seek error (can't seek before start of file)"CASE nError = 29 cReason = "Error: Disk is full"CASE nError = 31 cReason = "Error opening file: " + cFileNameENDCASE ?? CHR(7) WAIT WINDOW cReason RETURN *EOF Appendm.prg
Additional reference words: 3.00 VFoxWin FoxDos FoxWin FoxMac 2.50 2.50a
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