ACC: Calling RegQueryValue() to Get an OLE Object Class NameID: Q99322
Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.
The RegQueryValue() function, found in the Microsoft Windows SHELL.DLL
file, uses an OLE ClassKey (such as PBRUSH or MSGRAPH) to obtain
the information about that class from the REG.DAT file.
This article describes the way the RegQueryValue() function obtains the
Object Class Name from the OLE Registration Database REG.DAT file.
Although only the procedure to obtain the Object Class Name is described
here, other information, including the current location of the OLE
server and the types of <Primary VERBS> available to the object, is
also available.
NOTE: In the following sample code, an underscore (_) is used as a
line-continuation character. Remove the underscore from the end of the line
when re-creating this code in Access Basic.
Declare Function RegQueryValue Lib "shell" (ByVal hkey&, _
ByVal SubKeyStr$, ByVal QueryStr$, Buffsize&) As Long
Function GetObjectName$ (TheClassKey$)
Dim ClassName$
ClassName$ = Space$(255)
X& = CLng(Len(ClassName$))
cb = RegQueryValue(1, TheClassKey$, ClassName$, X&)
GetObjectName$ = ClassName$
End Function
HKEY: The handle to a key that defines what type of
information you want to retrieve
lpszSubKey: A string that contains the OLE ClassKey that you want
to look up
lpszValue: A string in which to place the resulting value
lpcb: The maximum length of the resulting string
ControlName: <ObjName>
ControlSource: =GetObjectName ("PBRUSH")
For more information about finding the ClassKey of an embedded object,
please see the following article here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q99319 ACC: Finding the OLE ClassKey of an Embedded Object (1.x,
Microsoft Windows "Programmer's Reference," version 3.1, Volume 2,
page 282
Additional query words: classname class key
Keywords : kbole kbprg IntpOle
Version : 1.0 1.1 2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: March 23, 1999