ID: Q89120
The information in this article applies to:
The SET CARRY ON command in FoxBASE+ can copy values from the current record into a newly-created record. This flag enables or disables the facility that carries data forward from the previously entered record into the new (current) record when using the full-screen APPEND or INSERT facility. SET CARRY ON enables the facility; SET CARRY OFF disables it.
When the user closes the database, FoxBASE does not save an INSERTed record, which has been carried forward, unless it is modified in some way.
Copying individual fields is controlled by issuing the SET FIELD TO <field list> command before issuing the APPEND command.
The command SET FIELD TO <field list> automatically SETs FIELD ON.
SET FIELD TO name,address && only carries name, address
NOTE: To obtain this functionality in FoxPro 2.0, use the SET CARRY TO
<field list> command.
Additional reference words: FoxDos 2.10 2.00 KBCategory: kbusage kbprg KBSubcategory:
Last Reviewed: September 22, 1995