How to Create Random Color Pairs

ID: Q109154

1.02 2.00 2.5x 2.6x | 2.5x 2.6x 3.00 | 2.5x 2.60a

MS-DOS              | WINDOWS        | MACINTOSH

The information in this article applies to:


It is sometimes desirable to randomly generate colors, for example, for a screen that changes the color for a @ ... SAY statement. This article demonstrates a sample procedure for creating random colors.


The following code displays the text "This is a test" with various randomly generated colors.

   FOR i = 1 to 50
      colorpair = randcolor()
      @ 2,2 SAY "This is a test" COLOR &colorpair
      FOR n = 1 to 10000 && Slows it down a bit so you can see it!

   PROCEDURE randcolor
   numcolor = INT(RAND()*100)                 && Create a 2-digit number
   num1 = ALLTRIM(STR(numcolor/10))           && store 1st digit
   num2 = ALLTRIM(STR(INT(MOD(numcolor,10)))) && store 2nd digit
   * Select one valid color from random digit
   color1 = CHRTRAN(num1,"0123456789","WNRGBBGRNW")
   color2 = CHRTRAN(num2,"0123456789","WNRGBBGRNW")
   * Combine two colors to create color pair
   colstrg = color1 + "," + color2
   RETURN colstrg

Additional reference words: VFoxWin 3.00 FoxMac FoxDos FoxWin 1.02 2.00 2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.50c 2.60 2.60a KBCategory: KBSubcategory: FxprgGeneral
Keywords          : kbcode FxprgGeneral 
Version           : 1.02 2.00 2.5x 2.6x | 2.5x 2.6x
Platform          : MACINTOSH MS-DOS WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998