ID: Q134721
The information in this article applies to:
The DBERROR() function from previous versions no longer exists nor does an equivalent SQLERROR() function that you might expect to find. There are still ways to find out the same information though. The function AERROR() is used throughout the product for retrieving error information and the SQLSETPROP() function also gives us some control over the SQL error messages specifically.
Using Aerror() will create an array containing the error code and error message. It could be implemented as follows for catching the full ODBC error that occurs when connecting to a datasource :
**************************** * Example of using AERROR() * dsource='test' Handle=SQLCONNECT(dsource,"","") IF HANDLE<0
Setting up similar error trapping would be to use the SQLSetProp() function to set the DispWarning property to True. This will actually be easier than the old DBError() function because once this is set the full ODBC error text will automatically be displayed without having to test the return value or having to fill variables and display them yourself. A connection handle of 0 sets this as a default for all subsequent connections.
**************************** * Example using SQLSETPROP() * retval=SQLSETPROP(0,"DispWarnings",.T.) * The "0" parameter above creates a "dummy" channel to turn Dispwarnings on dsource='test' Handle=SQLCONNECT(dsource,"","") && Error returning line
Additional reference words: 3.00 VFoxWin ck KBCategory: kbprg kbtool kbinterop kbcode kberrmsg KBSubcategory: FxtoolCk
Last Reviewed: September 1, 1995