How to Modify DDEWORD.SCX to Run with Word 6.0

ID: Q113923

2.5x 2.60 WINDOWS kbinterop

The information in this article applies to:


The dynamic data exchange (DDE) samples (located in the SAMPLES\DDE directory) in FoxPro 2.6 are unchanged from those that shipped with FoxPro 2.5 for Windows.

The DDEWORD.SCX sample will not run with Word 6.0 because the Word 2.0 command "FilePrintMergeToDoc" has been replaced in Word 6.0 with "MailMergeToDoc". The error "Unknown Command, Subroutine, or Function" will occur. This article explains how to modify DDEWORD.SCX so that it will work with Word 6.0.


To use the DDEWORD.SCX sample with Word 6.0, change the VALID clause of the iChoice push button to contain the following code:

     CASE iChoice = 1   && Next record
       SKIP 1
       IF EOF()
          GO TOP
     CASE iChoice = 2   && Previous record
       SKIP -1
     CASE iChoice = 3   && Print merge this record
       DELETE FILE "mergelst.dbf"
       COPY NEXT 1 FIELDS client_id, company, contact, address, city, ;
       state, zip TO "mergelst.dbf"

       iChannel = DDEInitiate("WinWord", "System")
       = DDEExecute(iChannel, "[AppMaximize]")
       = DDEExecute(iChannel, ;
       '[FileOpen "c:\foxprow\sample\dde\letter.doc"]')
       = DDEExecute(iChannel, "[FilePrintMergeToDoc]")  && This is the
       *line that changed.
       = DDEExecute(iChannel, "[MailMergeToDoc]")
       = DDEExecute(iChannel, "[File1]")
       = DDEExecute(iChannel, "[FileClose 2]")
       = DDEExecute(iChannel, "[FilePrintPreview 1]")
       = DDETerminate(iChannel)

     CASE iChoice = 4   && Quit

Besides changing FilePrintMergeToDoc to MailMergeToDoc, you must also convert LETTER.DOC from a Word 2.0 document to a Word 6.0 Mail Merge document. Once these steps are followed, the DDEWORD screen program should function properly.

Steps to Convert LETTER.DOC to a Word 6.0 Mail Merge Document

 1. Start Word 6.0 for Windows.

 2. Open LETTER.DOC (from the C:\<foxpro_directory>\SAMPLE\DDE directory).

 3. In the Convert File dialog box, choose OK. (It does not matter which
    item in the list is selected.)

 4. At each Header Record Delimiters dialog box that appears, just choose
    OK until the document opens.

 5. From the Tools menu, choose Mail Merge.

 6. Choose the Create button, and in the drop-down list that appears,
    select Restore To Normal Word Document. At the "Do you wish to
    continue?" prompt, choose Yes. This will restore LETTER.DOC to a
    normal Word document.

 7. Choose the Create button again, and in the drop-down list that
    appears, select Form Letters. At the dialog box that follows, choose
    the Active Window button.

 8. Choose the Get Data button, and in the drop-down list that appears,
    select Open Data Source. In the File Name box, type the following and
    then choose OK:


 9. In the Confirm Data Source dialog box that appears, select "FoxPro
    Files via ODBC (*.dbf)" and choose OK.

10. Choose the Close button.

11. From the File menu, choose Save. In the Save Format dialog box, choose

   the Word button to save LETTER.DOC in the Word 6.0 format.

12. Quit Word for Windows.

Additional reference words: FoxWin 2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.60 KBCategory: kbinterop KBSubcategory: FxinteropOdbc

Keywords          : kbcode FxinteropOdbc 
Version           : 2.5x 2.60
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998