ID: Q120050
The information in this article applies to:
When screens are created by the Screen Wizard, they can only be displayed in the center of the desktop. This article explains how you can arrange such screens to display in a location other than the center.
The screens generated by the Screen Wizard cannot be rearranged, moved to a location on the desktop other than the center, or changed to the Window Style of type "Desktop" even when they are modified using the Screen Builder as follows:
1. Clear the Center check box in the Screen Layout dialog box or in the
Arrange Screen dialog box.
2. Move the screen to a location other to the center of the desktop or
change the Type under Window Style to "Desktop".
3. Save and regenerate the screen.
To correct this problem, do the following:
1. Open each screen file (.SCX), and in the Setup code for each screen,
remark out the line that reads "MOVE WINDOW WZ_WIN CENTER". Save the
screen files.
2. From the Program menu, choose Generate.
3. In the Generate dialog box, choose Add to add the additional screens.
4. In the Arrange Screen dialog box, choose Arrange, and move the screens
to the desired location.
5. Clear the Center check box.
6. Generate and run the screen set. The screens will remain as they were
set in the Arrange Screen dialog box.
Additional reference words: FoxMac FoxDos FoxWin 2.60 2.60a
KBCategory: kbusage kbprb
KBSubcategory: FxtoolWizscreen
Last Reviewed: August 28, 1995