ACC2: GPF Closing Data Outline Control Properties BoxID: Q117610
Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.
When you add a data outline control to a form or report, then edit the
control's properties, the Properties dialog box is normally modal, meaning
that you cannot select anything outside the dialog box.
If, however, you click the property sheet for the form or report containing
the data outline control, the property sheet gets the focus, and the
modality of the data outline control's Properties dialog box is lost. You
can then select anything in the database.
When the modality of the control's Properties dialog box is broken as
outlined above, your mouse pointer may disappear, and you may receive a
general protection (GP) fault.
The GP fault and disappearing mouse pointer problem occurs only if you
close a form while "orphan" windows are still open. These orphan windows
are data outline control windows such as the Properties dialog box, or the
Edit Control window.
This problem occurs because there is no way for a non-in-place active OLE
server application (such as the data outline control) to instruct its
container (in this case, Microsoft Access) to disable modeless dialog boxes
when opening a modal dialog box on the container's behalf.
Avoid closing the form or report's Properties dialog box while you are editing the data outline control.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Access version 2.0. This problem no longer occurs in Microsoft version 7.0.
For more information about OLE custom controls, search for "OLE custom controls," and then "Insert Object Command (Edit Menu)" using the Microsoft Access Help menu.
Additional query words: gpf
Keywords : kberrmsg kbusage WzOthr
Version : 2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug
Last Reviewed: April 6, 1999