HOWTO: Distribution of Anomaly Tracking System (ATS)

ID: Q163793

The information in this article applies to:


You can distribute the Anomaly Tracking System (ATS) to your customers to allow them to track anomalies in your applications that are written with any of the Visual Studio development tools. Please read the license agreement included in the Visual Studio box for licensing information.


To distribute ATS to your customers, you can use the following steps:

NOTE: If you have not made any customizations other than adding stored procedures to the ATS database, you can use the setup that was used to install Visual Studio on your machine.

  1. From the first Visual Studio CD-ROM, copy the ATS folder to a directory named ATSSETUP on your hard drive.

  2. If you added stored procedures added-validation rules, copy all of the files from the directory that contains your databases to the ATSSETUP\ATS\SHARDATA directory. Click YES TO ALL when prompted to overwrite the files.

  3. You can now use a compression utility to compress the files in the ATSSETUP directory and put them on disk.

If you have added tables to the database or created additional program files, you cannot use the setup program described above. Instead, you will have to use a setup creation utility to distribute the necessary files.

The following is a list of the files needed to distribute and the directory they need to be placed in.

In the parent directory for the ATS:

In the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory:

If you want to provide the ability to create a new database, you need to distribute all the files in the TEMPLATE directory and install it as a child directory called TEMPLATE of the ATS parent directory.

NOTE: If you have made modifications to your database and you want the ability to create new databases with your added features, you must also add the functions to the FT database located in the TEMPLATE directory.


For more information about customizing your system, search for "Extending Anomaly Tracking System" using the ATS online Help system.

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbsetup kbVFp FxotherGeneral FxsetupGeneral msats 
Version           : 1.00
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbhowto 

Last Reviewed: August 12, 1999