ID: Q120166
2.00 2.50x 2.60 2.60a MS-DOS kbprint kbhw kb3rdparty kbref kbtool
The information in this article applies to:
The following is a list of printers supported in the P_CODES database that ships with FoxPro for MS-DOS. Printer names preceded by an asterisk (*) are new for versions 2.5x, 2.6, and 2.6a.
For more information about how to edit the P_CODES database and to add in other, unsupported printers, query on the following in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q89000 How to Edit the FoxPro P_CODES Database
ALPS Allegro 24
AST TurboLaser
Alphacom 8125
Anadex 9620A
Anadex DP-6500
Anadex DP-9000/DP-9500
Anadex DP-9001/DP-9501
* Brother HJ-100
* Brother HL-4
* Brother HL-8
Brother HR1
Brother HR15/25
C. Itoh 8510A
C. Itoh F10
C. Itoh LIPS 10+
* Canon BJC-800
Canon LBP-8 A1/A2
Canon LBP-8 A1/A2 (ISO)
Centronics 351/352/353
Centronics H80-1/H80-2
* Citizen 120/180D
* Citizen 124D
* Citizen 200GX/15
* Citizen GSX-140/140+/145
* Citizen HSP-550
Citizen MSP-10/MSP-15
* Citizen Prodot 24
* Citizen Prodot 9/9x
* Citizen Swift 24/24e/24x
* Citizen Swift 9/9x
Comrex CR-I
Comrex CR-II
Cordata LP300
Cordata Labels 10x1 inches
DaisyWriter 1500/2000
Data Products SPG-8010
Datasouth DS 180
Diablo 620 & 630
Dynax DX-15
Epson E/F/J/RX/LQ
* Epson ESC/P2
Epson EX-800/1000
Epson LX
Epson LX-810
Epson LX-810 graphic mode
Epson LX-90
Epson MX
* Fujitsu DL 2400
* Fujitsu DL 3600
* Fujitsu DL 900
Generic printer
HP 2225C+ (Epson mode)
HP 2225C+ (HP mode)
HP DeskJet Plus
HP LJ II (60 lpp)
HP LaserJet 500/+/II
HP LaserJet III
HP PaintJet (HP3630)
IBM 80 CPS Graphics
IBM 80 CPS Matrix
IBM Color Printer
* IBM ExecJet 4072
IBM LetterQuality 5218
* IBM PPS II 2380/81
* IBM PPS II 2390/91
IBM Pageprinter 3812
IBM Proprinter
IBM Proprinter X24
IBM Quietwriter 5201
IBM Quietwriter III
IBM Wheelprinter 5216
IDS 460
IDS Prism 80/132
Juki 6100
Kyocera F-Series (landscape)
Kyocera F-Series (portrait)
* Mannesmann MT131/24
* Mannesmann MT131/9
Mannesmann MT160/180
* Mannesmann MT230/24
* Mannesmann MT230/9
* Mannesmann MT330
* Mannesmann MT340
* Mannesmann MT81
* Mannesmann MT82
Mannesmann Spirit-80
NEC Pinwriter P2/P3
NEC Pinwriter P2200
NEC Pinwriter P5/P6/P7
NEC Silentwriter LC850
NEC Silentwriter LC860
NEC Spinwriter 3550
NEC Spinwriter 5515/25
NEC Spinwriter 7710/20
NEC Spinwriter 7715/25
NEC Spinwriter 7730
Oki Laserline 6
Oki Microline 182/183
Oki Microline 192/193
Oki Microline 292/3/4
Oki Microline 320/321
Oki Microline 82A/83A
Oki Microline 84/92/93
Oki Okimate 20
Oki Pacemark 2350
Oki Pacemark 2410
Oki Pacemerk 2410-IBM
Oki Plug&Play 192/193
* Oki Plug&Play 320/321
* Oki Plug&Play 380
* Oki Plug&Play 391/393
Oki Plug&Play 82A/83A
Oki Plug&Play 84/92/93
* Olivetti JP 150
* Olivetti JP 350s
Panasonic KX-P1090
Panasonic KX-P1091
* Panasonic KX-P1124
* Panasonic KX-P1180
* Panasonic KX-P2124
* Panasonic KX-P2180
Panasonic KX-P3151
Quadram QuadJet
Qume Sprint 5
Qume Sprint 9/45, 9/55
Sanyo PR-5500
Silver Reed 550 (parallel)
Silver Reed 550 (serial)
Silver Reed 770
Star Gemini 10-X/15-X
* Star LC-10/20/200
* Star LC24-10
Star Radix 10/15
* Star XB24-10
* Star ZA-200/250
Texas Instruments 850/855
Texas Instruments 860/865
Toshiba P 341/351
Toshiba P1340
Toshiba P1350
Toshiba P1351
Xerox 2700 II
Xerox 4045 - 630 mode
The products included here are manufactured by vendors independent of
Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these
products' performance or reliability.
Additional reference words: FoxDos 2.00 printers supported DOS 2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.50x 2.60 2.60a KBCategory: kbprint kbhw kb3rdparty kbref kbtool KBSubcategory:
Last Reviewed: January 7, 1999