List of Sample Databases Shipped with FoxPro for Mac

ID: Q109605

The information in this article applies to:

The following table lists the sample database files shipped with Microsoft FoxPro version 2.5b for Macintosh, along with partial information about their structures.

   Name      Location                 Memo    # of Records       Size

   CUSTOMER  GOODIES:FNDATION:DBFS                 500          74918
   DETAIL    GOODIES:FNDATION:DBFS                1363          49294
   INVOICES  GOODIES:FNDATION:DBFS                 206           6168
   OFFICES   GOODIES:FNDATION:DBFS                   6            862
   PARTS     GOODIES:FNDATION:DBFS                 290          21170
   SALESMAN  GOODIES:FNDATION:DBFS    Yes           32           4130

   CUSTOMER  LANGUAGE                              500          74918
   INVOICES  LANGUAGE                              206           6168
   OFFICES   LANGUAGE                                6            862
   PARTS     LANGUAGE                              290          21170
   SALESMAN  LANGUAGE                 Yes           32           4130

   LASER     SAMPLE:LASER:DATA        Yes          158          27632

   OLETABLE  SAMPLE:OLE               Yes            4            262

   CARDUSER  SAMPLE:ORGANIZE:DBFS                   16            834
   CLIENTS   SAMPLE:ORGANIZE:DBFS     Yes          100          17614
   CREDCARD  SAMPLE:ORGANIZE:DBFS     Yes           20           3966
   DETAILS   SAMPLE:ORGANIZE:DBFS     Yes         2358         144224
   FACTORS   SAMPLE:ORGANIZE:DBFS                  373          13185
   LABELS    SAMPLE:ORGANIZE:DBFS     Yes            2            266
   LETTERS   SAMPLE:ORGANIZE:DBFS     Yes            6            406
   ORGHELP   SAMPLE:ORGANIZE:DBFS     Yes           21            958
   ORGUSER   SAMPLE:ORGANIZE:DBFS     Yes            4            554
   PERSONAL  SAMPLE:ORGANIZE:DBFS     Yes           52           7586
   REPORTS   SAMPLE:ORGANIZE:DBFS     Yes            7            526
   RESTAURS  SAMPLE:ORGANIZE:DBFS     Yes          100          20042
   STATES    SAMPLE:ORGANIZE:DBFS                   51           1271
   UNITS     SAMPLE:ORGANIZE:DBFS                   68           2714

   CUSTOMER  TUTORIAL                              500          74918
   DETAIL    TUTORIAL                             1363          49294
   INVOICES  TUTORIAL                              206           6168
   MOREREG   TUTORIAL                 Yes           11           1434
   OFFICES   TUTORIAL                                6            862
   PARTS     TUTORIAL                              290          21170
   SALESMAN  TUTORIAL                 Yes           32           4130

Additional reference words: FoxMac 2.50b example dbfs KBCategory: kbprg KBSubcategory:

Last Reviewed: May 23, 1996