ID: Q109608
The information in this article applies to:
All of the Library Construction Kit (LCK) examples can be found in the database file C:\FOXLCK\EXAMPLES\EXAMPLES.DBF. This database contains the following six fields:
XNAME -- This field contains the name of the LCK function.
DESCRIPTIO -- This is a memo field that contains a small description of
the function.
C_CODE -- This field contains the C code example.
X_CODE -- This is a memo field that contains the FoxPro code used to
execute the API function.
WIN -- This is a logical field that contains .T. if the function is
supported on the Windows platform.
DOS -- This is a logical field that contains .F. if the function is
supported on the MS-DOS platform.
Additional reference words: FoxDos LCK 2.50
KBCategory: kbother
Last Reviewed: August 28, 1995