ID: Q99602
1.02 2.00 2.50 2.50a | 2.50 2.50a
kbtool kbprb
The information in this article applies to:
When you are trying to link a stand-alone .EXE file, you receive a "Link Command Failed" error message.
This error is caused by insufficient conventional memory, which is probably occurring because other programs and/or drivers are running simultaneously with FoxPro.
To resolve this problem, you need to make more conventional memory available. The easiest way to do this is by booting "clean" (that is, booting with a minimal configuration).
The following batch files make it easy to switch between a clean environment and your normal environment.
WARNING: Before you make any modifications to your CONFIG.SYS file, you should make a bootable system disk (see your MS-DOS documentation) so that the machine can be booted from a floppy disk if necessary.
1. At the MS-DOS command prompt, type the following commands:
copy config.sys *.nrm
copy autoexec.bat *.nrm
2. Use a text editor to add the following lines to a file named
(Add a disk driver, if needed)
3. Use a text editor to add the following lines to a file named
path c:\;c:\dos
prompt $p$g
(add c:\mouse\mouse if desired)
4. Use a text editor to add the following lines to a file named
copy config.cln *.sys
copy autoexec.cln *.bat
5. Use a text editor to add the following lines to a file named
copy config.nrm *.sys
copy autoexec.nrm *.bat
NOTE: If SMARTDrive is running, add the following line to CLENBOOT.BAT
and NORMBOOT.BAT to ensure that the SMARTDrive memory cache is flushed
(written to disk) before the machine is rebooted:
smartdrv /c
Whenever you need a clean boot in order to link a file, type
"CLENBOOT" (without the quotation marks) at the MS-DOS command prompt,
press RETURN, and then reboot the machine. Once the .EXE file has been
linked, type "NORMBOOT" (without the quotation marks), press RETURN,
and reboot the machine again.
If the steps above do not resolve this problem, try the following:
1. Verify that FOXSWAP.COM is in the main FoxPro directory. This file
allows FoxPro to swap memory out to a swap file on disk.
2. Verify that the configuration file (usually CONFIG.FP or CONFIG.FPW)
does NOT contain the line DOSMEM=ON. If this line is present, it
prevents FoxPro from using FOXSWAP.COM.
3. Verify that the MS-DOS environmental variable TEMP points to a valid
To test this, type "SET" (without the quotation marks) at an MS-DOS
prompt, or run the Microsoft Diagnostic utility (MSD.EXE) included with
Windows. This utility reports an error at start-up if the TEMP variable
doesn't point to a valid directory.
NOTE: Do not run MSD.EXE from Windows - quit Windows first and run it
directly from MS-DOS.
4. Verify that the MS-DOS environmental variable COMSPEC points to a valid
COMMAND.COM file. COMSPEC is sometimes reset by batch files or scripts
when logging onto a network.
Again, use the type "SET" (without the quotation marks) at the MS-DOS
prompt to view this variable.
5. Try building the .EXE file directly from the Command window, bypassing
the Project Manager, by typing the following in the Command window:
BUILD EXE <exe_file> FROM <project_file> EXTENDED
The Project Manager uses up some memory, and sometimes not using it
frees up enough memory to allow the .EXE file to be built.
6. Verify that WLINK8.EXE is in the main FoxPro directory.
If this WLINK8.EXE isn't present, you will receive a "Bad command or
file name" error message immediately before receiving the error that the
link command failed.
The easiest way to place WLINK8.EXE in the directory again is to
reinstall the Distribution Kit.
This behavior is by design.
Additional reference words: FoxDos FoxWin 2.00 2.50 dkit distribution kit wlink errmsg err msg low 2.50a tshoot
KBCategory: kbtool kbprb kbtshoot
KBSubcategory: FxtoolProjman
Keywords : kberrmsg FxtoolProjman
Version : 1.02 2.00 2.50 2.50a | 2.50 2.50
Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998