ID: Q120471
2.60 2.60a | 2.60 2.60a | 2.60a
kbother kbprb
The information in this article applies to:
When you choose Import from the Data menu in Catalog Manager, there isn't a choice of ASCII text in the File Type list box.
This behavior is by design.
Choosing Import from the Data menu is equivalent to calling the IMPORT command, which creates a new FoxPro table from the data being imported. The IMPORT command does not support ASCII text.
NOTE: The APPEND FROM command does support ASCII text. However, it must append data to an open FoxPro table, whereas the IMPORT command creates a new FoxPro table programmatically. When you are using the FoxPro menu system and Command window instead of Catalog Manager, the APPEND FROM command is located under the Database menu.
Additional reference words: FoxMac FoxDos FoxWin 2.60 2.60a catman KBCategory: kbother kbprb KBSubcategory: FxtoolCatman
Keywords : FxtoolCatman
Version : 2.60 2.60a | 2.60 2.60a | 2.60a
Last Reviewed: May 19, 1998