ID: Q114456
2.60 WINDOWS kbui kbprb
The information in this article applies to:
The icons used in the AutoScreen and AutoReport buttons of Catalog Manager don't clearly represent the purpose of each button.
Perform the following steps to display a description of either button in the Status bar at the bottom of the FoxPro window:
1. Position the mouse pointer over the AutoScreen or AutoReport button.
2. Press and hold the mouse button. Note that a message appears in the
Status bar for AutoScreen or AutoReport, depending on which you've
3. If you don't want the AutoScreen or AutoReport button to run, move the
mouse pointer off the button, and then release the mouse button.
The descriptions displayed in the Status bar for each button are
displayed below:
Automatically create and run a screen based on the active table/query
Automatically create and run a report based on the active table/query
This design is under review by Microsoft. We will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
Additional reference words: FoxWin 2.60 catman unclear clear expressive obvious describe descriptive KBCategory: kbui kbprb KBSubcategory: FxtoolCatman
Keywords : FxtoolCatman
Version : 2.60
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: May 1, 1996