PRB: Incorrect Decimal Data Sent to SQL Server with Remote ViewLast reviewed: December 15, 1997Article ID: Q176653 |
The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSWhen you use Remote Views with the SQL Server ODBC Driver (Sqlsrv32.dll version 2.65.0252, 3.50.0303, or 3.50.0311) to send numeric data containing decimal values to SQL Server tables, incorrect decimal values may be inserted into SQL Server tables.
RESOLUTIONUse another version of the SQL Server ODBC Driver or use SQL pass-through functions.
STATUSMicrosoft is researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
MORE INFORMATIONWhen you access SQL Server tables using a remote view, with Sqlsvr32.dll (versions 2.65.0252, 3.50.0300, 3.50.0303 and 3.50.0311) some decimal values may be rounded down when the TABLEUPDATE() command is issued. This behavior is not observed when accessing SQL Server tables using a remote view with other versions of the SQL Server ODBC driver. This behavior is also not observed when using the SQL pass-through function SQLEXEC(). The list below indicates the version number of the SQL Server ODBC driver distributed with each version of Visual FoxPro:
Visual FoxPro for Windows 3.0 2.00.1912 Visual FoxPro for Windows 3.0b 2.50.0126 Visual FoxPro for Windows 5.0a 2.65.0240 Steps to Reproduce BehaviorInstall Sqlsrv32.dll version 2.65.0252 from SQL Server Service Pack 3 or a higher version number. Run the following code:
SET SAFETY OFF LOCAL lcconnstring, lcdatafile, lcsysdbofile, lcviewmame, lcsysdbo LOCAL lncounter, lnhandle, lnchecksource LOCAL lbsourceexists, lbtableexists, lbconnexists, lbviewexists lnhandle = SQLCONNECT('PUBS','SA','') lnchecksource=sqltables(lnhandle,'TABLE','sourcetabs') SELECT sourcetabs SCAN IF UPPER(ALLTRIM(table_name))="DBO.TESTAMOUNT" lbsourceexists=.T. EXIT ENDIF ENDSCAN IF !lbsourceexists tmpcommand="CREATE TABLE dbo.TESTAMOUNT (MYKEY CHAR(10)," tmpcommand=tmpcommand+" MYAMT NUMERIC(18,4))" lnreturnresult=sqlexec(lnhandle,tmpcommand) ENDIF =sqldisconnect(lnhandle) SET EXCLUSIVE ON SET MULTILOCKS ON lcconnstring = "DSN=PUBS;DATABASE=pubs;UID=sa;PWD=" lcconnname = "SQLTEST" lcdatafile = "TESTAMOUNT" lcsysdbofile = "dbo."+lcdatafile lcviewname = lcdatafile+"VIEW" lcsysdbo = "dbo."+lcdatafile+"." lncounter = 0 IF !FILE('SQLTEST.DBC') CLOSE DATA ALL CREATE DATABASE sqltest ELSE OPEN DATABASE sqltest ENDIF lntables=ADBOBJECTS(tablenames,'TABLE') IF lntables>0 FOR i=1 TO ALEN(tablenames,1) IF UPPER(tablenames[i])=lcdatafile lbtableexists=.T. EXIT ENDIF NEXT ENDIF IF !lbtableexists CREATE TABLE testamount ( mykey c(10) , myamt N(18,4) ) ELSE USE (lcdatafile) EXCL ZAP ENDIF lnconnections=ADBOBJECTS(CONNECTS,'CONNECTION') IF lnconnections>0 FOR i=1 TO ALEN(CONNECTS,1) IF UPPER(CONNECTS[i])=lcconnname lbconnexists=.F. EXIT ENDIF NEXT ENDIF IF !lbconnexists CREATE CONNECTION &lcconnname CONNSTRING (lcconnstring) * Set connection properties. DBSETPROP('SQLTEST','Connection','Asynchronous', .F.) DBSETPROP('SQLTEST','Connection','BatchMode', .T.) DBSETPROP('SQLTEST','Connection','Comment', '') DBSETPROP('SQLTEST','Connection','DispLogin', 3) DBSETPROP('SQLTEST','Connection','ConnectTimeOut', 15) DBSETPROP('SQLTEST','Connection','DispWarnings', .T.) DBSETPROP('SQLTEST','Connection','IdleTimeOut', 0) DBSETPROP('SQLTEST','Connection','QueryTimeOut', 0) DBSETPROP('SQLTEST','Connection','Transactions', 2) ENDIF lnviews=ADBOBJECTS(viewnames,'VIEW') IF lnviews>0 FOR i=1 TO ALEN(viewnames,1) IF UPPER(viewnames[i])=UPPER(lcviewname) lbviewexists=.T. EXIT ENDIF NEXT ENDIF IF !lbviewexists * Create View. CREATE SQL VIEW &lcviewname REMOTE CONNECT 'SQLTEST' SHARE ; AS SELECT * ; FROM &lcsysdbofile &lcdatafile ; ORDER BY &lcdatafile..mykey * Set view properties. DBSETPROP(lcviewname,'View','SendUpdates',.T.) DBSETPROP(lcviewname,'View','UpdateType',1) DBSETPROP(lcviewname,'View','WhereType',3) DBSETPROP(lcviewname,'View','BatchUpdateCount',1) DBSETPROP(lcviewname,'View','UseMemoSize',255) DBSETPROP(lcviewname,'View','FetchSize',100) DBSETPROP(lcviewname,'View','MaxRecords',-1) DBSETPROP(lcviewname,'View','Tables','dbo.'+lcdatafile) DBSETPROP(lcviewname,'View','Prepared',.F.) DBSETPROP(lcviewname,'View','FetchMemo',.F.) DBSETPROP(lcviewname,'View','CompareMemo',.F.) DBSETPROP(lcviewname,'View','FetchAsNeeded',.F.) DBSETPROP(lcviewname,'View','FetchSize',100) DBSETPROP(lcviewname,'View','Comment',"") DBSETPROP(lcviewname,'View','ShareConnection',.T.) * Set Key and Updateable fields. DBSETPROP(lcviewname+'.mykey','Field','KeyField',.T.) DBSETPROP(lcviewname+'.mykey','Field','Updatable',.T.) DBSETPROP(lcviewname+'.mykey','Field','UpdateName',lcsysdbo+'myKEY') DBSETPROP(lcviewname+'.mykey','Field','DataType',"C(12)") DBSETPROP(lcviewname+'.myamt','Field','KeyField',.F.) DBSETPROP(lcviewname+'.myamt','Field','Updatable',.T.) DBSETPROP(lcviewname+'.myamt','Field','UpdateName',lcsysdbo+'myamt') DBSETPROP(lcviewname+'.myamt','Field','DataType',"N(15,2)") * Open view and delete previous test records. ENDIF USE (lcviewname) ALIAS (lcviewname) IN 0 SELECT (lcviewname) DELETE FROM &lcviewname REQUERY() * Start buffering and create test records. IF !USED(lcdatafile) USE (lcdatafile) IN 0 ENDIF SELECT (lcdatafile) IF CURSORGETPROP("Buffering",lcdatafile)<>5 CURSORSETPROP("Buffering",5,lcdatafile) ENDIF FOR lncounter = 1 TO 100 m.nnumber = lncounter/100 m.cmykey = PADL(ALLTRIM(STR(lncounter,10,0)),FSIZE("MYKEY") , '0') INSERT INTO testamount (mykey,myamt ) VALUES (m.cmykey,m.nnumber ) NEXT TABLEUPDATE(.T.) * Copy to test records to View and SQL Server. IF !USED(lcviewname) USE (lcviewname) ENDIF SELECT (lcviewname) SCATTER MEMVAR MEMO BLANK SELECT (lcdatafile) GO TOP SCAN SELECT (lcdatafile) SCATTER MEMVAR MEMO SELECT (lcviewname) APPEND BLANK GATHER MEMVAR MEMO SELECT (lcdatafile) ENDSCAN SELECT (lcviewname) TABLEUPDATE(.T.) SELECT (lcdatafile) GO TOP SELECT (lcviewname) REQUERY() * Show Results in Browse Windows. DEFINE WINDOW BROWSER FROM 0,0 TO 50,40 IN SCREEN CLOSE ; FLOAT GROW MINIMIZE ZOOM SELECT (lcdatafile) GO TOP BROWSE WINDOW BROWSER NOWAIT SELECT (lcviewname) REQUERY() GO TOP MOVE WINDOW BROWSER BY 0,60 BROWSE WINDOW BROWSER NOWAIT RELEASE WINDOW BROWSER CURSORSETPROP("Buffering",1,lcdatafile) |
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