ID: Q99598
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WARNING: The information in this article has not been confirmed or tested by Microsoft. Some or all of the information in this article has been taken from unconfirmed customer reports. ANY USE BY YOU OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS ARTICLE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. Microsoft provides this information "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
NDOS is an alternative command processor that comes with Norton Utilities version 6.0. If the DATE() function is used with NDOS loaded, the DATE() function may report 00 for the month when it returns the date on some systems. For example, 00/25/93 is returned for the date instead of 02/25/93.
NDOS has two main files: NDOS.COM and NDOS.OVL. To disable NDOS, do the following:
1. Open the CONFIG.SYS file in a text editor.
2. Type "REM " (without the quotation marks) at the beginning of the
SHELL=C:\NDOS.COM line. (Note the space after "REM".)
3. Save the CONFIG.SYS file and reboot the computer.
Norton Utilities is manufactured by a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.
Additional query words: unconfirmed
Keywords : kb3rdparty FoxDos
Version : 2.0
Platform : MS-DOS
Last Reviewed: December 23, 1997